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Jon R33

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Everything posted by Jon R33

  1. paul you have PM
  2. the cops do have radar detector detectors the BEL say they have some feature to prevent them being detected, VG2 or something. but if your in WA this isn't an issue as there legal anyway (as others have already said.)
  3. Isn't K band also used for the handheld radar guns? I wouldn't be game enough to turn K off in the city, sure you get a few false pings but you get to learn the difference between an automatic door and a real ping, the doors are usually quite weak and you learn where your likely to get these false pings, always in he same places etc. It's better to be over cautious that risk the ticket IMHO. EDIT: sorry, just remembered the handheld guns are lasers (which mine also picks up). And yes you do get some variation in the warning distance due to the surroundings at the time and whether the camera operator has it turned off and waits for you to get close before arming it, not much you can do about that. Also, you get a warning for the laser guns if they are targeting someone infront of you for example but if they are pointing it right at you then the warning is them getting your speed usually
  4. I have a BEL 980, has saved me lots of money and points, I've only had one speeding ticket in over a year ans that was because the cop car was off the my left in a side street and pinged me at such an angle that the detector didn't see him. Cost me $800 from Audiocom in Freo. I thoroughly recommend this model. Picks up X, K and Ka, has City and Highway modes, even a vioce model where it will tell you the Band that it has picked up in an American accent instead of just a particular noise.
  5. what is that smell?
  6. 8hers...oh wait that means something else:uh-huh:
  7. yeh troy just don't use there network, dial-in via an ISP on a laptop or something, will cost more but hey youd be online.
  8. ooooo sounds nasty skyzer, my advice would be to read up on how to hack the proxy server and by pass it, or use someone elses logon of course if your the only one there on nite shift then it might be a little hard to deny.
  9. goddamit I'm bored. just started 2 weeks holidays and I'm bored after 2 days. what do people do if they don't have to go to work?
  10. some friendly jap person had already cut mine so there must have been a different front bar on it in the past. passed complience that way too so I'm not sure how much of an issue it is.
  11. damn it! now I have said too much, I must go and feed my flock of evil swans...soon my pretties, soon we will rule the world...BWAAAHHHAAAWWWAAAHHH....ok you get the idea night all.
  12. oooo...flashback, one of my earliest memories is of swans feet. aparently I slipped while feeding the swans at a lake in Glasgow and fell in, all I remember is webbed feet padding around me and my dad pulling me out by my hair
  13. WHAT! mulder is gone? damn reruns
  14. hey, wait a minute! maybe it's like a planetary imune response cause by the over population and global degradation...oh wait...that's just my X-Files gene kicking in again...hehe...don't mind me.
  15. little mermaid theme perhaps? hey, whatever gets you through the night
  16. yeah it's only like 3% or something, normal nasty flus cause the same sort of thing in those at risk. just a tad of media hype me thinks.
  17. you didn't sound like a biatch at all, you've just been over there and I'm sure you know more about it than me...well, I heard on Fox news (NOT the most impartial source) that china have officially stated like 20 or 30 deaths but reporters or sources or something said there were 100s of cases flooding the hospitals in certain regions and that many more were actually infected than the authorities had owned up to. but it could all be US-China politics.
  18. just because I'm paranoid, it doesn't mean the world ISN'T out to get me :alien: , I haven't really been keeping up with he details, just keep hearing the inflamatory new articles...more case here...china lying about...blah blah didn't mean to add fuel to the d*icks fire.
  19. ummm, sneeza, they haven't actually ruled out that method of transmission, they are still thinking that maybe just touching a contaminated surface could spread it. paranoia is not always unfounded.
  20. anyone know if they are working to fix the new styles that were added as I can no longer get to User CP to change back to a fully functional style
  21. ahh I see, the M-spec goes lower, has bigger vents at the bottom where as the stocky (like mine and rob77's avatar) just has a fairly narrow gap running along the bottom...and the sides on the stock bar curl under more, more rounded look. The newly enlarged hole in the stock bar isnt going to be a nice square shape is it? atleast not without a more significant amount of work. Still, just to get those holes trimmed and capped would help the looks alot i think.
  22. Al, that looks sweet, can I ask how much the plastic welder charged and how long it took to get the bar back? Also, does anyone know of a plastic welder (melter ) in Perth?
  23. rob77, Mine looks pretty much exactly like yours in the avatar, I've also relocated the plate to the same position. The only difference is I've covered the cross-sectioned holes with gaffa tape, neatly but it's still just tape. I don't have a digicam though so it'll take ages (if ever) for me to post a pic. Zahos, Thanks for that, sounds like a plan, now all I need is something that resembles dexterous hand-eye co-ordination. If you had seen the mess I made hacking that section out you wouldn't be advising me to touch a heat gun, you'd also understand why I hid it beneath all that tape. :uh-huh:
  24. ah crap! i see what you mean, once you change to the essentialclass7 (or whatever it's called) you can't get to the CP to change it back and there are quite a few icons/graphics missing.
  25. mental image of vspec sitting at the computer for 10 minutes going Bugger! Bugger! Bugger...
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