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Jon R33

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Everything posted by Jon R33

  1. yep, this happens to me a bit, not really enough to stall it as I usually blip the go pedal when coming to a stop, but if I didn't touch the pedal she'd probably stall now and then. You get used to it, no big deal.
  2. where can you get these?
  3. what would be the benefits of an Incorporated SAU? what do we get for our $50/year?
  4. bloody h3ll, that sucks big time. good to hear your ok and there's no damage to the 'line. this sort of sh1t makes me wanna buy a gun, or a crossbow, or a bl00dy siege weapon. shame you didn't catch the prick, deserves to have his head caved in. stay safe.
  5. I don't think it was 200+ks from memory, more like 100+ if I remember rightly. Had his girlfiend/partner in the car....nasty business.
  6. On the way into the city at around 7:45am, heading north. Sign up saying Mill Point Rd exit was closed, reason: dark blue HSV commonwh0re had skidded across 3 lanes across some verge and (I think) into a pole head on, rear windows were smashed. Then just on the other side of the narrows where all the lanes split up to go to Hay St & Mounts Bay Rd etc, two more cars off the road, one in the stripey white lines between two diverging lanes and another pointing the wrong way nose first down an embankment. Not a cop in sight, just a couple of tow trucks. A few Narrows escapes mes thinks :bahaha:
  7. fry them up with a little soy n garlic mmmmm
  8. I've been with RAC for over a year now, 1st year was $2200, 2nd year is down to $1400 with 20% no-claim bonus. I'm 33.
  9. don't tease us now gtrken, that would be unkind
  10. are they gone yet...can we come out now?
  11. why oh why did I rent 8 legged freaks? I fu(kin HATE spiders. Oh well I'll be scratchin all night.
  12. top of the page!!! ooohhh you must be using the teenie tiny default setting instead of the huge manly setting of posts per page.
  13. I must be getting old coz I thought Mystery Men was so lame and just not funny. A couple of genuine giggles and a heap of preteen fart jokes.
  14. yeh I got Coyote Ugly but it was saved from the list by the fact it has copious amounts of poooontaaaang in it. Billy Elliot I don't have.
  15. yous city folks betta skeddadle befor I gits me gun an...jeez that accent is hard to keep up.
  16. OK, after reviewing my collection, my Top 5 "I can't believe I bought that sh1t" DVDs are (in no particular order): 1) All the Pretty Horses (sucks @ss so bad I didn't even watch it all) 2) Dungeons & Dragons (B grade crap not worth the rental price let alone $30) 3) City of Angels (girlie prattle) 4) Mystery Men (not funny) 5) Stuart Little (don't ask)
  17. I usually ignore the crappy ones I own but I'll have a look when I get home, I'm bound to have some real sh1t for you all to laugh at.
  18. Raising Arizona!!! embarrasing??? It's a CLASSIC umm...most embarrasing i own...hmmmm...Mystery Men was crap...oh and The Horse Whisperer, now that's pretty embarrasing for a guy to own.
  19. Do they swap old DVDs for new releases?
  20. I used to live in the city and didn't own a car so I didn't have a local video store, as a result I own a couple of hundred DVDs, alot of which were a waste of money. Catching a train/bus just to rent a movie then another train/bus to take it back! forget it. And you know what they say "If your on public transport after you turn 30, youve failed in life"
  21. It was OK, quite stylish and well done but, likewise, it won't be one of my favourites. Glad I only rented it and didn't buy it.
  22. oops, having just said Spielberg doesn't use DTS much, last night I watched Minority Report and it was in DTS, so I guess I'm full of #$%@, it was a nice theory while it lasted (all of 5 minutes).
  23. I couldn't find any mention of it in DTS on either www.dvd.net.au or www.atlanticdvd.com.au, only DD. Spielberg rarely goes for DTS, dunno why. The only two movies of his in DTS are the re-releases of E.T. and Close Encounters.
  24. FnF was silly but fun, I can't really remember any particularly great sounding scenes though.
  25. ummm...Boostzor...none of those movies were in DTS 5.1...but yes, they all rocked.
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