I lost you guys. I was following dave and MR>E and then I got stuck behind a vehicle and they then I could not see them. So I hot footed until I came to a cross road and wait for ages for someone to turn up but no one came, then I back tracked and took a right which ended up to be a dead end after 4 kms. Then went even further back and then I saw natural bridge and then I knew I was lost. So on the way back I tried to take the route that the Supra took only to find that it was closed due to fire. So drove the way we came back. Not a car in site so I did what all good drives did I travelled @ 90 km back home.
My best part was chasing down a Silver 33 and sitting behind him till my right indicator lens popped out. Thanks to guys for stopping and helping me out. Next time I will have to make sure the suspension is made softer. Also with all the road hopping over rises my speaker does not work. I will have to get GCCS to fix it up on wednesday.
It was funny watching that old bugger screaming out his patio. At first I thought he was peeved taht we wher making a scene in the front of his house.
Looks like I need to get a UHF. Darryl what brand did you say was good ??
All in all it was good day
When is the next one !!!