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Everything posted by Anquetil

  1. Jay, 'GTR STI' is selling a brand new 400R, unpainted and fresh out of a mould. I was actually going to but it myself but ended up buying another one he had instead.
  2. After the recent Skidpan day my entire engine bay is covered in just... crap basically, and since my radiator went on the weekend I wanna also get rid of any coolant stains that may be on the belts. Are the engine bay cleaners at places like Carlovers any good? I certainly dont want to do it with elbow grease cause it would take for ever? Covering the air filter and AFM is a good idea, any other sensitive electrics that need covering up? Thanks
  3. I thought it was 8 kms over the limit, thats what i've been sticking too since moving from VIC, and its served me fine so far (18 months). Coming from 3kms over the limit too 8kms/10% is like a new lease of life!
  4. Oh lucky bugger! P.S. Be careful what you say about the exhaust and complinacers.
  5. I put mine on a 33 a couple of months ago. I didn't need the blue hose or washer bottle. Your instructions look exactly like mine, I just went off the pictures. Not sure what the blue hose & T peice was for, probably something to do with the boost solenoid or something? But I have an aftermarket BOV and BC connected. You can check out mine here (links may be down)
  6. As far as CAI goes, I didnt bother until I got an aftermarket FMIC, otherwise you have to do some terrible hacking. But once you remove the factory intercooler, you can use the existing piping from the factory intercooler for CAI and it works and fits beautifully with absolutely no modding. Just need a box heat shield box to seal it in now.
  7. Yeah sorry read right over it :whatsthat GTR STI, does it have blinkers and all support attachments? Not really sure whats needed?
  8. Not for me. Just handed in the plates, gave em the SC, they give you new plates and your away.
  9. Whats the deal with Initial D on Kazaa? I've been trying for months to get any episode and haven't go so much as a byte?
  10. I'm keen on the 400R, what colour is it? I can pickup this weekend? PM me.
  11. Not sure about the permit? If they tell you you require repairs to get the SC, you have about 14 days to get those sorted then you go back for them to check that you have actually had it done. If the 14 days expires you pay another $50 and go through the same process.
  12. MJ's pretty much right. I swapped from VIC to QLD 6 months ago or so (not the skyline). Get a RWC/SC, cost about $50.20. Go to QT, hand in your plates, show em your SC, and they give you your new plates. You can get a rebate on your VIC reg but I'd recommend against it apparently they apply 'fees' to that process. I just waited till my VIC rego nearly ran out which was 11 months, your supposed to swap over the reg within 3 months but who's checking?
  13. Sweet! A 910 it is then
  14. I had similar symptons when going over 110, simple balance/allignment fixed it.
  15. I'm in but am not sure of what to go for? What will be ample for a max output 220/240rwkW? Anybody?
  16. Someones been having fun with your album Jason?
  17. I added 3 pics of my wheels, except I added them to the root directory :Oops:
  18. I went to Japan about 2 years ago, there so much I didnt see that I want too now. At the time I wasnt into imports, damn I wish I was. Every month the urge gets greater to go back... I cant wait too! Heres some pics of my trip.
  19. Mine misses in first at high rpm. I put my platinums down to .75 from 1.1 on the weekend but is made no difference. I checked the coil packs but dont really know what im looking for, they looked in good nick to me? So I just swapped around the coil packs into a different posi. Still does it.
  20. $339 that cant be right even for non-members? I joined up at the time (6 months ago) and it cost me from memory, no more than $340 including 3 years roadside assistance + inspection?
  21. Its getting sorted tomorrow, dunno what it is yet though. I've never wanted beep so many dickheads, as I have in last week!
  22. I have 1 set of photoshield covers which will cover all of a cars numberplate (4 sheets). Or you could probably use the 4 sheets over 2 cars. Protects against non flash cameras. These are have never been installed. These are unavailable through the Australian website, and only found on the U.S site. More info here: http://www.phantomplate.com/photoshield.html $70
  23. This probably belongs in braking forum, but I need some rather quick help. I'm currently in the middle of doing a brake fluid flush. - I removed the nipple screw which leads to each caliper wheel by wheel, then pressed the brake pedal to force out any fluid for each caliper. - I refurbished everything and double checked all nipples. - Then refilled the resorvoir. But the pedal has no resistance or brakes at all. Have I done something wrong with this prcess? I must have let air into the lines? Any help greatly appreicated, my cars stuck here till I get this sorted.
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