Ok Ive been sitting back watching this thread for a bit....
Lets clear some things up:
Firstly the stock coil packs are not "crap" as someone mentioned. In fact they are the best coil pack for your car, its just after about 10 years+ the begin to fail and need replacing. If you havnt checked the cost of the stockies you should then you will realise why no one buys them. Most people buy splitfires as they are easy to come buy and are PROVEN, put JJR's or yellow jackets if you want, and while your at it fill up with a tank of 91 :S
Secondly some clown has mentioned that Jap cars need jap plugs and euro cars need euro plugs... guess i better get german made plugs for my bombardier jet ski engine?
I'd be doing the following:
Hook up a consult cable see if its throwing codes, and check 02 sensor voltages
Remove the coilpacks and plugs and look to see if they have visually been arcing out onto the engine or not.
Chuck in a new set of plugs gapped to .8
Check the base timing with a timing light
Clean you AAC valve
If its still doing it replace coilpacks or swap them out with a mate if you can.
02 Sensor definitely worth looking at. An EL falcon one is identical just need to crimp the 3 wires and is ALOT cheaper.