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Everything posted by kidafa

  1. jarad, bring that light for me please also do you have an ash tray for it? is it silver like most of them? how much
  2. Out of interest how many lines are coming on this cruise? Also anyone else slightly uncomfy with the meet point being posted here? A few of the regulars i've spoke to r :S
  3. chad just run the diagnostic yourself first.... and if you stil have issues finding the issue then go to nissan:)
  4. rick, buy a set of splitfires. Unless you want to pay an arm and a leg for genunie nissan ones..... you can find splitfires on ebay or best from japland for good pricing.
  5. over track guessing cos its track is wider than stock aka more offset ect
  6. yeah its still on, Will hear more about it soon as Brendan (tanlges) who is running it is on a little holiday (dont ya all miss him :'( ) Jarrad do you have a passenger side parking light, mine leaks a bit of water into it every so often. borat voice : "How much"
  7. Ive got it some where but its easily found. just look for sitc and safc wiring manuals and its in them
  8. rod, chase the wires back to what pins their going to on the ecu so we can cross reference with a pin out to see whats been modified.
  9. adam and I cant wait to see the photos... espesh the long exposure one at the end he was doing with both of our cars and running around them with the flash.... Thanks again Westy.
  10. dude, its all in and ive used a mulit meter. as i said i just need to find a constant power close as i CBF running one from the battery.
  11. see it says Chasis ground plack pair? So i should look for green/red for the constant 12V What about the illumination/dimmer on the unit what one of those do i use?
  12. yeah im aware but have you seen how little use that section gets :S
  13. Hi all, Im putting in a new head unit in my brothers Volvo haha V40. Went with entry level alpine unit with hi-speed ipod control from Tonkins (cheers Ben ) The old unit didnt have a constant power to it just to acc powers and 2 grounds (WTF stupid germans). Where will be the easiest place to steal constant power from? The ciggie lighter is acc aswell Im thinking maybe the ignition itself would be the shortest to run a cable and their must be constant power their. Any ideas? I really CBF running a line direct from the battery and fusing it... Also the stock headunit controlled all 6 speakers (4 2 ways i think and 2 tweaters) the alpine unit ive hooked up to the 4 speakers is their anyway i can hook up the tweeters aswell without buying more gear cos hes a full on tight ass when it comes to his car. as long as its got fuel and a few empty iced coffee cartons floating in it he's happy Cheers, Chris
  14. Yeah it needs spacers to fill the guards so its not falcondore spec .... Sure as hell the rear coils I adjusted didnt get wound up a 1/4 of the way! more like 1.5cm of thread! Darrin I think heir HR's?
  15. daniel, check the sticky of diy and go to the 02 sensor bit. You can use an EL (i think it is) falcon 02 and jsut wire it up ive got one in mine and its shweeettt alot cheaper
  16. mike chuck in a photo of your negative rear camber as well for those that arent aware! You selling your old coils? PM me a price.
  17. yeah im not going to flush as i dont see the point im just curious of how its done... I change mine every 5K relegiously and even did a 2.5k swap when i first got it to make sure it was all real fresh. Always do filter too. oil and filters cost me Fall I get trade at repco
  18. What in your NA? ohh I forgot your friends with roo and his blue mesh haha jokes aside yeah I have had nothing to do with martini, infact ive only herd of it cos of boost worx....
  19. How do I engine flush? Ive never done it and oils due in 1500 (5K intervals) Guessing its just a additive to pour in and wait till it drains out? Im running castrol edge sport 5w30 in the stag and seems ok. Ive seen people ranting of this Fuchs stuff in the stag section and its pretty cheap apparantly asked repco about it and they said id be going backwards...? Should i do the oil before the dyno even though its not going be due for another week or 2?
  20. Silver stag guessing it was ben (grim32)
  21. Well if ur putting of ur cam belt i hope the K's are genuine
  22. S1 so non neo engine.....
  23. also fresh plugs gapped to .8mm
  24. sorry to break it to you dude but if you bought a stag and were expecting some kinda of good fuel economy sell it now... I know a few ppl that would give their left nut to get 400k's to a tank. Seeing the CEL is being triggered by the 02 sensor im guessing it will improve a bit, but if you want to get a good gain do a turbo back zhorst and safc, added ponies as well as fuel economy= win win situation in my books!
  25. Hi mate, Thats exactly what I thought when I got my stag, lets service the life out of it to keep it sweet for a while dis regarding how many k's its done and whats "apparently" been done before. Here's what I would be doing to give you a fresh start. Timing belt, Ilder pulley and tensioner pulley Water pump if needed Fuel filter (check the parts thread sticky up the top) Oil filter (Ryco Z145A) Fully Synthetic oil (castrol edge sport 5-30w or similar) 02 Sensor Fresh Coolant Trans flush Power steering Flush New brake fluid Transfer case fluid Attesa fluid and bleed New diff oil F and R Get a good wheel alignment Thats all I can think of atm im sure ive missed something and others will add
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