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95 GTS25T

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Everything posted by 95 GTS25T

  1. I dont mind it but i dont like it too loud iv'e seen vl commodores pull up beside me with it so loud its almost ear piercing. sorry im new at this how do you make that noise with out it stalling because my cousin and i tried it on my r33 and it just kept stalling so i put it back to normal and given up at the moment.
  2. Was wondering if anyone could tell me what headlight globes and what brand is best to put in my r33 series 1.5 I want them to be a bright white i've seen a lot of japansese cars around lately with the bright white lights and they look cool and can I put higher wattage globes without melting the headlights or would it be safer to just stick with 12v 55w which is in it now. any help on this is appreciated I am so sick of my yellow looking headlights but dont really want to fork out a lot of money for other headlights at the moment as im still paying off my car.
  3. Yes i would definately love it to be a gtr if someone else was paying for it, to me the only problem with a gtr is that they are too expensive to own and maintain i would never be able to afford one in my lifetime but my 33 gts25t does me but i wouldn't mind the gtr's traction for all those commodore freaks pulling up beside me revving and screaming their V8s trying to get me to race, most times i don't bother with them or i'll stir them up and take off slowly
  4. Yes i have recently put new oil and oil filter in it the noise sounds like a groany sound and does it on startup only, I got three year warrenty with the car when i bought it but don't know if its worth hassling them just for fan as its a firm based in newcastle or someplace up there and could take a while for them to act but i will if the fan is pricey as i'm a bit tight for money at the moment.
  5. Hey all I am new on these forums I got myself a 95 R33 S1 GTS25T about a month ago which has done a genuine 85000 kms I am second Australian owner is in very good nick only the steering wheel is marked and handbrake boot a little worn. Lately it has been making a funny noise but only on start up and once its idled for a while it goes away but it has been cold in the mornings, i noticed one morning it was 3 degrees but mostly around 5 - 10 degrees or so does any one know what this noise is ? it seems to come from the engine somewhere, also i noticed the engine fan has small cracks in it does any one know how much a replacement would be and where i could get one from for instance could i get a replacement fan from a repco store or what here is a link for photo of my ride http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y183/fpv/...nt=IMG_0300.jpg any help is greatly appreciated
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