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Everything posted by brittz

  1. spotted a white 33 coming down hancock road. also saw 2dirty a blue 32 coming down north east road around 6 tonight.
  2. spotted a dark purple 33 with a silver bonnet..? going around ttp, then coming out of ttp 30 mins latter.
  3. sorry to hear, that looks like a nice car, it stand out so hopefully someone will see it. the amount of skylines being taken is pretty bad. Sucks you didnt even have third party like the rest have said, Im with just cars fire and theft and it cost me $580 a year upfront for a 19 year old female driver and pay out is $10k..but sucks because even if my car is taken i still wont find another skyline like mine for 10,
  4. spotted helso. went to wave but didnt come out right. spotted a white 33 heading towards ttp around 10. spotted a silver 33 near hjs ridgehaven.
  5. i payed into that guys bank account, sent him email and pm. Hope he recieved it...
  6. i just donated $10. Not much but a little contribute.
  7. my friend just got a purple gtr.. yeah she is a chick too! spotted a white 32 going up hancock road around 2pm.
  8. pm sent... i may not stay out too late though.
  9. how long is everyone going to hang around for? I doubt i can get there at 7:30?
  10. someone can come with me as ill be riding solo?
  11. well whats the details anyway? times etc? I finish work around 6??
  12. yup was checking you out in my revision. Also this morning spotted a silver 33 heading up hancock around 8:30.. then whilst outside having a durry at work spotted a silver 34 coming out of ttp and latter on a silver 32 with two guys in the car.
  13. if more people will go me and my friend in her skyline will rock up..
  14. well i wouldnt go outside confronting them with nothing... I know the laws about self defence are pretty poor. It pays to carry something just in case.
  15. lol not use at once.. but just incase i cant get to one i have back ups..
  16. thats why i sleep with 3 sharp as swards, metel base ball bat, and a jaggard sharp broken raw iron lamp all under my bed plus always carry a flick in my handbag. I recon i would go crazy if i saw someone outside, id be wilding the fkn things at them, helps having a bikie in the family as well. your poor mum. I feel for her as well. If i saw someone doing that i would have lobbed a brick at the car. I think if anyone else sees something suspicious make it obvious you are getting their plates.
  17. spotted at ttp tonight a black 32 plates started with a w..just outside the cinemas. a black 33 outside maccas ttp and a white 33 with shiny wheels it seems shooting past ttp.
  18. about the whole pager things, do you have to get a new alarm? because i already have a pretty good alarm and dont really wanna spend heaps of cash to get a newer one so it has a pager thing. cant someone just add it on?
  19. I dont drive to work no more so bum lifts from people. I wish i could drive the liner but ya know with break ins... If you saw a blue 200 with the plates 4gasm thats my cousin.. his car is hot.
  20. spotted a white 32 with some guy driving waiting at the lights off golden grove road about 5:40 tonight, I was in the green civic looking at you.
  21. i just went with just car insurance $530 third party fire n theft upto $10,000 pay out thats market value... . I was paying $380 for a stock s13 with sgic so i thought only $200 extra why not. and im 19 yrs old. I tryed sgic but they wouldnt insure me unles i went full comp and i can not afford $2000 a yr. Just car was pretty simple.
  22. sorry to hear about your car. Seems to be getting out of control now. Very angry. im interested in this pager thing? what is it? A friend told me you can get an sms sent to ya phone if someone is bumping around the car? who does these and where? An alarm place or something? Im so keen but need more info.
  23. that was probably me, My plates are Brittz.1, was dropping a friend off around 9:30-10. I didnt see you, But i did see a silver 33 on the way pull into the village.
  24. but maybe this is a good thing, because when i first got the car i was pulled over by a cop, I think maybe this is good because they are aware about the problem and are just checking to see if the car stolen or what ever, i would like it if my car was stolen and a cop pulled over the guy who stolen just to check. The more cops pull skyline drivers over for routine checks (not defecting) the better it may become... well thats what i think anyway.
  25. sorry yeah didnt think of that, i edited that, and im catching the bus from now on.
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