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Everything posted by zimmi

  1. Hey mate, You paid for yours just over 2 weeks ago yeh? They should be ready in a few weeks. Be patient, because believe me.....the results are worth it!! Psymon and the other guy that wanted these... email me at zimmer87@hotmail.com and I'll see what I can do. Thanks guys.....glad there are a few more happy drivers out there
  2. Hey guys. Group buy now closed. I hope those who missed out last time were able to get the interiors they wanted. I think we ended up with 10 on this second group buy. Not too bad. Those who have ordered. Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have. Thanks guys, Chris
  3. I cant even be bothered writing up the whole process..... Its not too hard....and I can arrange installation instructions to be sent with the covers. Group buy closes on Saturday.
  4. If you just want the fronts....the price includes and logo's wrinkle ect. The ebay link posted.....those are from a supplier of a cheaper product. They look good....but the quality is no where near as good. Its all about the material! But yeh, like I said, they look good.....but just for not as long. Also, the 4 door is the same price. Only 1 more week in this group buy. Those black GTR seat are just......pure sex. That alone makes me wanna sell the soarer and get a GTR....just for the seats lol!
  5. Also, I have got prices on just the pair of front seats or just the rear seat. Price for a pair of fronts - $360 including postage Price for rear seat only - $360 including postage.
  6. Hey guys, Sorry, I have been away for 2 weeks. Group buy is on until the 23rd of Feb. All the extra such as logo's and pleats in the leather, and different double stitching colours ect. These are all free of charge when the package is ordered. We currently have 3 on this group buy. But its ok as there is no minimum due to the amount we had in the last group buy (26). These interiors can definately be made for R33 four door....just make sure you state that its a four door when ordering, as we had a guy in the last group buy who didnt mention his R32 was 4 door, and he had to get his back seat cover slightly modified. P.S. The covers for the GTR seats look HOT!!
  7. Hey mate, Can I still get in on this?? This looks like an awesome system!
  8. Picking the colours is the hardest part! I'm sooo happy with the way mine turned out though....so is everyone else I've spoken to from the first group buy. You just gotta go with your gut.
  9. Group Buy #2: 1.Ryan Rankovic 2.R34GTFOUR 3.
  10. I can honestly say the quality and fit are amazing. Even the fussiest people I know have loved these covers. You will never find anything this good for the price. I changes the whole look of the interior (if you want it to) Otherwise you can go for a standard look and give your car that extra style and comfort. (I cant believe it sounds like I'm trying to sell these things again) lol. I honestly dont care if we get 0 people on this group buy....its just to give some more people a chance to buy these at a heavily discounted price. Remember the normal price for the package is just over $1000.
  11. Sorry Guys, Please note: I will be away from Friday 25th Jan, till Friday 8th February. Keep in mind that these interiors take 4-6 weeks to make...so if you want yours started before I get back, you will have to pay and send me your order this week. Sorry about that guys....
  12. Hi Guys, I am now starting group buy #2 for these custom interiors. Group Buy #1 was extremely successful and we had a lot of happy members. There are now more Skylines getting around with beautiful custom interiors. I thought I would give a chance to those that missed out last time. (remember - these are available for almost any car, not just skylines.) Please refer to our first group buy for information on these. http://soarercentral.com/sc-forum/messages/284/167709.html?1184840005 The pricing for the second group buy is as follows: $650 - Full Package (Front seats, rear seats, centre arm rest, handbrake cover, material for door trims & parcel shelf). $550 - Just Seats (Front & Rear seat covers) $150 - Accessories package (Door trims, handbrake cover, parcel shelf) Individual Items $80 - Door trims $40 - Handbrake cover $40 - Centre arm rest cover Please email your orders once you have made payment to the following account (use your name as payment reference): Bank of Commonwealth >BSB: 063134 >Bank acc: 10163846 >Name: Yuni Halim In your orders, remember to include your postal address. Please follow the template below: Name (payment reference): Car: Front Seats: Rear Seats: Wrinkle Front?: Wrinkle Back?: Logo Embossing Front?: Logo Embossing Back?: Door Trims/Parcel Shelf: Centre Arm Rest: Handbrake Cover: Double Stitching Colour: Postage (address) or Pickup: Email: zimmer87@hotmail.com Group Buy #2: 1.Ryan Rankovic 2. 3.
  13. Hey, Any chance that you can organize these for a TT soarer? Please PM me a price. I would really appreciate it. Also some pads to go with it....I dont know the difference between the colours, I would just need some decent pads for regular driving, with a few spirited moves. Something with low dust (hate polishing my chromies all the time) lol I would really appreciate your help. Thanks mate.
  14. Who is manufacturing these? What does the warranty cover? Any HB3 size kits?
  15. Yeh, and can he do soarers?
  16. Hi Guys, I am organizing a group buy for these seat covers on Soarer Central. http://soarercentral.com/sc-forum/messages...html?1183801595 I thought I would open this up to you Skyline boys, just in case there was anyone who missed the last group buy. I have worked out a package price based on 20 people which is $650 and it includes: Front Seats (with wrinkle/pleats in leather, and logo if you choose) Rear Seats (with wrinkle/pleats and logo if you choose) Centre arm rest/console (between 2 front seats) Door trims Rear parcel shelf Handbrake lever cover All with double stitching in colour of your choice + FREE POSTAGE ANYWHERE IN AUS. If you have any questions, you can e-mail me at zimmer87@hotmail.com. If you are in, there is a form to fill out on SC and e-mail me to confirm your order. Thanks Guys
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