Hey guys,
It seems like there's a lot of interest in a SAU sushi meet. So I'm going to try and organise one
It's going to be at J's Surf & Turf, 133 Were St, Brighton. It is an "all you can eat" Japanese restaurant, $28 per head.
The eating session starts at 8pm and finish at about 10ish. So I'm thinking to have a pre-meet at Brighton beach at about 7pm for some photos or to socialise, then at 7:50pm we'll do a little 5min cruise to the restaurant lol, you can meet us at the restaurant if you can't make the pre-meet.
But before I can book for us, I gotta decide on which night (obviously lol), I'm thinking of the 3rd week of December (just so I can give people more notice) 14th-20th.
And here's a poll on which night suits you guys, whichever night has the most votes, will be the night of the meet
NOTE: Poll IS multiple choice
Thanks yo'll