I think you will get hassles regardless. You are driving an import; cops love defecting imports.
Well this question depends entirely on you. You have to ask yourself, could I be bothered changing everything back to standard if I get a defective vehicle notice.
I personally believe if modifying your car is going to make you happy. GO FOR IT! You really shouldn't let circumstances (or circumstances that may arise) determine your life.
However, having said that; I know some of you who are reading this probably thinking that I am a moron and that we should abide by laws set by governing bodies. But I firmly believe that all the EPA notices/ defecting modified cars is a load of hogwash considering this country along with the US are the only two nations not to sign the Kyoto protocol.(Referring to the argument that states modified vehicles do not meet emission standards.)
This is my own personal view point and I totally understand if people argue against it.