allblitz, when I saw the topic of this thread I knew you'll be making plenty of comments.
Have you thought of why there are checkpoints in place? (Referring to your analogy)
Why did this recent problem between Israel and Lebanon arise?
Attack those who are responsible, not run out with explosive strapped to my body into a crowded restaurant or bus station.
I agree there has been atrocities. But that goes both ways.
See the problem with that whole area is that there are people that think much the same as you. They believe the other side is always to blame. Instead of all parties involved sitting, starting with a clean slate and working out something that will bring about peace. I know its wishful thinking!!! But one can only hope.
Allblitz, you are entitled to your opinion it just seems to me that you have more than a bit of anti American and Israeli sentiment. (Conclusion made from previous posts on past threads)