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Everything posted by RusH_

  1. Hey, playing heaps of Killzone 2 PSN ID: RusH_au
  2. RusH_au is my PSN ID
  3. i got this on the 25th, day before it came out, for some reason EB decided to let me pick it up early lol, but yeah awesome game, would join an SAU clan, but dont get to play online very often.
  4. I just bought a JVC AVX-810 i think it isfor my r34, its a double din 7inch touchscreen, great unit, also has external HD support anyway, my 2c would be to stick to a double din unit rather than a flip out screen as it would cover your AC controls unless you put it in the second din slot, that said, if you do that it will cover whatever you have in the first din slot.
  5. its definatly different, maybe a little our there for myself, sorta feels like it throws the lines out toward the rear where it has a bulge that seems too low. Front looks like a mixture of a lancer front bar and the impul front bar for the r34 good luck sourcing the kit, if you ever get it be sure to post up pics!
  6. PSI parts sell/fit/and paing, not sure of prices or anything though
  7. you cant shape it correctly because its on a different angle, that's the problem, you need to get a photo of that front bar that is on a similar angle
  8. that's a really odd color for your illumination, that said, if you tested all of your wires using a test light as i stated you would still be able to work out which 3 were illumination, constant power and accessories
  9. Typically Yellow is 12V(constant power) Red is accessories(key set to accessories) Orange is Illumination(headlights) that said, the best way to be sure is as follows: grab a test light from super cheap or repco (no more than $10) -switch your key to the 'on' position -turn on the headlights -test your wires one at a time by touching the positive prong to the wire and the negative prong to a good earth point on the chassis, (should be plenty around the head unit area) if done correctly 3 wires should cause the test light to light up, these are your CONSTANT POWER, ILLUMINATION and ACCESSORIES. switch off the headlights with the key still set to 'on' and test those 3 wires again, only 2 of them should work, the one that doesnt work is your illumination.
  10. as above, get a photo of the front bar you want on a similar angle to the car your trying to put it on, also, instead of the magic wand tool, use the pen tool, its far more accurate for selection, to colour the bar i suggest using multiple layers of the same image with different blending modes for each layer, As above, use the hue and saturation to make it Black and white and then duplicate the layer a few times, set the Blending mode for each layer to something different till you get a colour that looks more like the rest of the car.
  11. ouff very nice
  12. what a fkn sexy photo, seeing your 34 makes me love my white 34 that much more lol, (that is a compliment) it looks awesome
  13. Ok cool, thanks for that man, The thing that is pushing me to the JVC unit though is that it supports A hard drive throught USB in one of those vids, the guy explains that even though the specs for the unit say that it only supports up to a 10gb HD, he has a 160gb drive in his glove box and it runs perfectly fine, so i'd really like to do the same. On the JB site they have the JVC KWAVX710 for $849 and the sony XAVW1 for $798 but they don't list the JVC AVX800 or AVX810
  14. Wangan battle you say, is that the midnight maximum arcade taken to ps3, the one on play asia by any chance? is it any good? wouldnt mind getting it
  15. To take off the paing you used a scourer/sponge thingy, and any liquid? metho or anything, or did you just scrub the sht out of it?
  16. Hey all, im looking at getting a decent DVD HU, pre-requisits include obviously - DVD playback - "Giga" mp3 dvd (a dvd full of mp3's) - has a USB function - I want it to be double din as i don't want it to pop out over the ac controls - naturally a good price is great I came across this JVC unit (KW-AVX800) which to me seems to be quite good, if anyone has any suggestions or input, id like to hear it, here is a link to the site i may purchase it from. http://www.ryda.com.au/JVC-KW-AVX800-In-Da...-p/kwavx800.htm and 2 short vids of the unit being used http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=bXhJJ43lu10 http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-dVQ6Q61d4
  17. Agreed, I see Dark Green Merc Vito vans up and down Mt Lindsay Hwy/Beaudesert Rd without fail at least once a week, and sure enough there is a tiny sign about 400x500mm tucked away in front of the van where you can only see it if you're looking for it, or driving in the opposite direction, and to top it off, you can barely see the "police" lettering on the sides fo the van due to the dark colour. Furthermore, i saw a nice officer who had parked down a side street, maybe 50m down, and walked up to the intersection, standing behind a sign with his trusty camera out. Essentially, if they want to slow people down, hiding and using unmarked vehicles isn't going to change anything since no one knows they're there. It's been said 100 times, their goal is clearly not safety, but revenue raising.
  18. RusH_


    The reason i did was that it was convenient and a good base to build from agreed, looks pretty good though
  19. not sure, have you checked playasia.com
  20. here is a quote from the specs of a JVC HU
  21. I'd go with no, that said, there are other ways to dl music legally, i think its through bigpond you can do it, i don't know if you face the same issue though, never heard of the issue before with bigpond music
  22. beware of itunes, some head units refuse to play songs downloaded through itunes due to some reason that i can't remember at this time, but its stated on some of the specifications of certain HU's remember people, download all you want, but the file must be deleted with 24hrs, its a promotional thing...
  23. RusH_


    carbon roof and mirrors
  24. sounds like your all set then
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