this means they were not blocking the road...
stuff like that does happen un provoked, there are some stupid ppl out there who hate ppl just for what they like or how they live...
i used to work in the valley, wickham st one friday nite me and a few of the boys (i worked night shift) were gettin food on our break frm the maccas in the mall and on the way back an old guy comes walkin down the street, stands opposite the wickham (gay bar...) yelling stuff like "god shall not allow this..." yadda yadda yadda, however gay they were they didnt provoke him, one of the guys from the bar walks over to this old fool, who was probably late 40's early 50s if not older, and extends a hand to shake...
the old guy punches the guy from the bar in the head... then proceeds to lay into him whilst he is on the floor, b4 a few ppl from the bar come over and pull him away...
unfortunatly there are just those kind of ppl