so my R32 GTR randomly decided it doesnt want to start anymore, fuel pump no longer runs with ignition on
fuel pump had been re-wired for direct battery voltage and FPCM had been earthed so pump was alway on full voltage
checked the relay clicks (near ecu), directly jumping the fuel pump is fine, so issue appears to be signal to relay, swapped over relay in the boot and horn relay to another but no dice
checked engine bay and cabin fuses - all good
re-soldered a dry looking solder on pin connector of FPCM and re-did earth - no change
checked earth and power in boot, next to check the ecu (pfc handcontroller does not show F/P running till cranking - whereas with FPCM earthed, used to run continously on ign)
what's the go with pin 18 on the ECU, is it for ground or power signal to relay?