never ending story, went to drive my car after being away for four months, was running fine previously.. had stale fuel which was causing hesitation so fresh fuel was added (bp 98).. car was tuned at creatd in feb and parked in the garage soon afterwards
car is drivable for a little while before it dies completely, no stuttering or weird noises prior to total power loss.. wont restart until car is totally powered off for bout 5 mins and drives for a bit before dying again.. no particular revs or length of time before dying
PFC hand controller showed nismo afm 2 as faulty prior on ignition, so I swapped it with afm 1 but afm 2 still shows as faulty, wiggled afm wires but no change in rev or improvement in regards to hunting
cleaned both afms with contact cleaner
car now hunts on idle between 850 - 1200 rpm
checked pipes for splits and re-tightened bolts
earthed fuel pump control module and earthed fuel pump -ve feed to chassis.. fuel pump primes fine
new spark plugs bcpr6es (copper) added 0.8 gapped
PFC shows 13.8v battery while driving
fuses in engine bay and inside checked
im leaning towards an electrical fault as power loss is sudden and total
is it normal for PFC to show afm 2 as faulty (0.02v) vs afm 1 (0.05v) on ignition.. does it fall into a particular range?
while driving the car, both afms appear to be working fine voltage wise (afm 2 is alway slightly less than afm 1).. while idling if i rev to 5500rpm there is sputtering along the way
tomei fuel pump is 2nd hand and was installed earlier in the year, would the symptoms suggest dying fuel pump?
will be looking an fuel filter later tonight however it was replaced 10K ago
still have stock coilpacks which seem in good nick, never had hesitation problems previously, running 1bar boost
suggestion please..