so my bro drove my car back from melb to ballarat in July as I was going inter-state and car has pretty much being parked and started every week or so but not driven out the garage
today when he tried to drive it, it struggles around 3000-4000rpm mark and starts to stutter and die,
it has hks chipped ecu and stock turbo, fuel pump, hks piping, blitz bov.. last fuelled in july (1/4 tank left)
since i cant physically check the car myself, i have had him to check few things
idles normally
fuel pump primes
afm plugs in securely
zorst not smoking
bov blocked off properly
fuel filter replaced not long ago
was serviced bout 2000kms ago
nothing else modified in the car since being in the garage
how long does the fuel last in-tank before deterioating?
i have a tomei fuel pump that i might try and get him to swap with
i had previously checked dry solder joints on the afm (none) but havent gotten him to clean the afm as yet.. should it idle fine and stutter when driven on a dirty afm?
will get him to check for air leak.. wot else can i check?