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Everything posted by Verms

  1. Will be. Cya there!!!!!!!
  2. I'm happy to sell this car without rego for $2000 Without Rims and stereo $1500 Let me know. This car much go ASAP!!!!!!!!!!! Perfect cheap car for track if wanted 2!!!!!!!
  3. Are you able to take them out with out doing any damage? I've got the ones on my car currently?????
  4. My mate has a Honda CB250 which is a learner bike. 7xxxkms on it Goes great and cheap on fuel He cant ride it after having a accident at work and hurt his back. Its got almost 12 months nsw rego on it. $3000 ono Let me know if you have any questions
  5. Just so people know which side headlight?
  6. Will be there 2 cars and 3 people!!!!!!!!
  7. Regarding the maroon r33 burnt out it belongs to a friend of a friend and it was stolen sat morning 2.30-3 ish. The car had a few issues and thats probably why it was burnt out. It kept overheating. They didnt want their finger print on the car. Little pricks. I've been told there was a white vn commodore constantly driving past where it was located casing the job i spose. If anyone else hears/sees the same thing pass it round!
  8. Hi, Interested in a swap? http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/19...br-t294028.html Let me know. Nick 0408513746
  9. Damn!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Well depending on when people can come I'm thinking of moving it to the 11th Dec. Would that suit people better?
  11. Who would be interested in coming paintballing on the 4th Dec?
  12. Here's mine: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/19...br-t294028.html
  13. Well they would possibly like a muscle car if possible a torana or commodore but willing for anything late notice. Someone must have something around! Something that people will know what it is and would be sad they didnt get a ride!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Anyone able to do a formal tomorrow night for a case and fuel? Possibility a tough car that will attract attention? Let me know asap. Its for a friend.
  15. Spotted the R35 GTR on Pialligo Ave heading towards Queanbeyan around 12.10 today!
  16. http://www.importmonster.com.au/view?url=h...&title=momo WGNC34 260RS Check this one out!
  17. Yeah she did and I hope she was driving sensibly!
  18. You coming out friday night then?
  19. That would be bloody right she(sky(partner)) gets spotted in my car before me!!!!!!!!!
  20. Yah about time I got spotted!! Thanks Shell
  21. Spotted a 4 door white r32 coming out of DFO at 9 and then the "NUR" R34 near the airport.
  22. Who else is going/coming out friday night?
  23. Spotted the Black R35 GTR again this morning.
  24. Spotted a silver R35 GTR on Pialligo Ave at 1705hrs
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