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    Sunshine Coast

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    Golf, R33, cbr1000rr, D22 Nav

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  1. Boot looks great mate. I'm thinking of doing something similar. The images look really blurry for some reason but did you get it done professionally or rattlecan it?
  2. How did you get the double garage all to yourself?!😲 Wifeswap?
  3. Thats good money for a 33 GTS-T. I'll be watching that for sure. But man, asking that much and no engine bay pics?
  4. Super duper tasty!
  5. I've had the rear lines replaced through a local shop. East Coast Customs in brissy. Definitely recommend taking care of that. I didn't notice until it was too late, 1/2 way into a sedate hill drive and cradled it home with very limited brakes😆. From memory it was around the $400ish range i think. They had it done and finished same day.
  6. I'd be happy with a reboot of the MR2
  7. People think they're retro chic ?
  8. Must....have....separate......build.....thread
  9. Wasup Long time no see. For anyone interested this issue has been resolved - yes its been this long, you know when you keep putting things off? Yeah, this was one of them. I'll save you all the frustrating details of checking over everything from compression checks, injector inspection to knock sensor checks to know the answer: - a nipple on the throttlebody (used for charcoal canister) was open causing a big vac leak. New blocked off hose put on and I'm back in business. Until i did a DIY pressure test, I never would have found this in a blacked out engine bay.
  10. Yep you'll be fine. Only minor issue you MAY have is air flow reversion back through the AFM causing a slight stall. With a decent length intake pipe and a good tuner you'll be fine.
  11. Agreed with the above. There are definitely more complex ecu's out there with more features but for your basic mod's PFC is a decent choice. Heck, I'm still using mine 12 years on and local tuners can still use them too.
  12. https://www.4wdsupacentre.com.au/adventure-kings-heads-up-display.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiAvJXxBRCeARIsAMSkApqBMQYrPcqceN26jCn1a9a2MqnIUaVnwykw258Kfq3TbvRBlYd0Il4aAsMnEALw_wcB There ya go guv'na
  13. You mean like a HUD on the dash?
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