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Everything posted by r33cruiser

  1. BAM!! You've just been X-TRAILED haha
  2. HOLY WAFFLE-BLADING SANTA CLAUSE!!!! Did you boys check out the police presence this afternoon . Record worthy =(
  3. Lol oh noes. ...Bald tyres? Thats the only thing i can think of on stock daily's haha
  4. Autobarn. A bit exxy (bout 50 bucks more or so), but you get it same day, wham, bam thankyou ma'am. When i blew my pump on a skidpan, i simply got a lift with a mate to autobarn. Bought it, and within 40min i was back on the pan =)
  5. If you called up kyle, he would have recommended a 50mm turbosmart gate I am using this setup, so are a few other cars built by my mechanic with absolutely no drama's. Also have had NO problems with the gate comming off the collector of the manifold, he fabs them that way for a reason right...
  6. Bought the 200 dollar GReddy copy off ebay. Had no problems with it, no leaks, water issues etc. However, with the new engine i didnt cheap out and went plazmaman. IMO, save up for an extra week or two and get the plazmaman, install is soo easy because you keep the stock runners and all the plumbing/wiring that is in there.
  7. no, i sold it almost a year ago. Was too much of a hassle. It was fun while it lasted tho. But you can have more fun in a car than on a bike haha
  8. How long did u have that for mitch? Lasted longer than me haha. Car>bike But bike=more fun.......only just tho
  9. briz..............cruzing. or...... clubs?
  10. Yes mitch! Buy a VL, their hektik
  11. Moobah . Already have another chick lined up haha
  12. Just broke up with my gf . f**k driving, im getting smashed tomoro night
  13. I kind of understand what your saying. I liked that 350z motul drift car better when it was n/a. now that its charged, it doesnt sound as good :S
  14. apparently you didnt miss much anyway.
  15. got a mate that just stuck the hose in the radiator and filled it. that was 6mths ago and its still running haha
  16. about 1-2 weeks i think for mine.
  17. Try it , it will be a nice learning experience You cant vta a stock r33/34 bov. I only JUST made it out of my street before it stalled and died If you want vta, buy a real vta bov.
  18. I have an old article here from hpi or hot 4's or something. They fitted the earthing kit with a billion wires (not the electronic earthing kit) to a ralliart v6 magna, for a laugh to see if it actually works. They did before and after dyno's, and ended up gaining something in the region of 8-12hp. So in this case they did do something, but whether or not you could feel that on the road is something entirely different.
  19. Your just upset you didnt think of it 1st Wish someone was this dumb to me so i could ROFL at them!!
  20. r33cruiser


    thats........................................................................... ..........ok?
  21. no. I used to be like u. Copper may be a better conducter but if you want any form of longevity u need iridiums. Coppers last aages (10000kms or wateva). But heat kills them. I actually had 2 fail, and shattered the ceramic part on 2 plugs after 1 track day (BCPR7ES's). My mechanic also races at QR using iridiums, and they last for many meetings. You may think they are the way to go, but we have actually seen the results.
  22. I wouldnt even say Bosch units are that good, ive had 1 dodgy unit. My 040 only lasted 8mths before it died. A mate has a walbro and its still going 2yrs later. :S
  23. I was always led to believe that the .84/86 was the one to go for for 500-550hp? I thought 1.06 was only if you wanted 600+? and had the luxury of more displacement. P.s what would the lag of a 1.06 be like on a 2.5ltr considering the .84/86 wont be on full song till the early (if your lucky) to late 4000rpms?
  24. I'll be back soon mate This place has died. But then again it is winter.
  25. looks like them. Mine weren't badged either. If i was on the desktop, i would post the pics of mine. I don't even think they stock stock rods for any vehicle anyways?
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