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  1. Abartma len... Sanki senden saklanıyorduk. Then take it to PM instead of carrying on.
  2. Stock cams...? If yes, I doubt there'd be an issue. They work OK even with larger Poncams.
  3. Knowing you is enough. Plus you advertise the fact unashamedly in your avatar.
  4. Get your hand off it.
  5. Nige should've had a cameo role, ripped off !
  6. Happy birthday mate... May your unkept toenails grow without a curl.
  7. :lol:
  8. Suave, For Nissan to not recommend ethanol blend in their pre 04 cars, one can only assume that, they made changes to production of their vehicles to accept ethanol blend from 04 onwards. That is as straight forward as they come. Also, a heads up on all other fuels. They contain %0 ethanol. Shyster, So, you don't know Nissan's stance to E5. FYI, someone on PF rang Nissan and this is what he had to say about it : "Just got off the phone to nissan, and they confirmed that NO nissan built prior to Jan 04 to use any blended ethanol fuel whether it be 5% or 10%." Re the quoted text of R31Nismoid, I don't want to speak on his behalf, but i am certain you misunderstood it. His analogy with alcohol simply states that you can get just as drunk with beer as you can with spirits. E5 contains half the amount ethanol compared to E10. So, does it mean it is not as harmful, or totally harmless..? Cheers.
  9. Noone said they were the same. Yes, there is a clear distinction and everyone would know it. E5 is %95 gasoline and %5 ethanol. E10 is %90 gasoline and %10 ethanol. Nissan does not recommend the use of E10. Do you know where they stand in relation to E5...?
  10. Here are just a few. When doing a search, do NOT limit it to 30 days (by default they are) and do not use common words like R33. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...=headlight+bulb http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...topic=61601&hl= http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...topic=49342&hl= http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...l=h1+adjustment http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...topic=75597&hl= http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...topic=73132&hl=
  11. If it's an internittent (literally) fault like you've described, I'd say the problem is with the stalk. It may have dodgy connection within or at the base of it.
  12. Emre


    How about a search of this section...? Or you can ask the same question there.
  13. Probably the rubber is fused to the metal. Once you remove all the clamps, try it gently with a screwdriver to break up the seal. Once done, it'll just slide off.
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