now this isnt so much a promotion of a new business....but more so a likely change to how things are done in tasmania......
iconautoworx arent so much looking to make money, but more so to make a change to the local car scene and cater more for the enthusiasts......
one thing they are looking to do is provide a place of meeting on friday nights for those ppl that dnt mind catching up with like minded enthusiasts at there shop front, which will include music, bbq's, dvd's couches etc....pretty much a meeting place similar to kmart friday night meets, but on a more controlled exclusive kind of level....
the opening will be a chance to have alook around the store and speak to staff and offer ideas and wat ud like to see happen.....a number of the drift cars will be display for u to have a closer look over...a BBQ and drinks will be on offer, while a variety of DVD's will be shown
so drop by between 6pm and 10pm, chat to like minded ppl, grab a snag and drink and relax in a safe controlled environment unlike other local meets