hey dude i was summone to court for careless driving about 2 years ago, careless is alot worse than reckless driving. The law states that Careless driving can be 1month imprisionment and up to a $30,000 fine, i doubt you will get either of these well im pretty certain.
It all depends on the judge on the day and your driving record. I wore suit paints and a nice shirt mum came with me and also got a lawyer through my sisters work. I ended up getting with just a $1500 fine and a 2 year bond a road trauma cause and defence driving corse but i was being alot more stupid but it still came under the Careless driving law.
I would just admit to saying you where in a bit of a hurry and didnt relise it was that slippery.
Anyways good luck mate let us know how you go.