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About B-Man

  • Birthday 04/10/1967

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    E500 W211 V8 Benz
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  1. Are you on crack. 4 kids, wife doesn’t work, Adelaide wages. Car projects not happening.
  2. I'm OK mate - Miss my Skyline, Gloria, Cosmo (ie anything Jap Import) - Still living in Adelaide. Having kids kills the ability to have car projects...... so waiting for them to all move out (11 years to go !) LOL. 20 Years for SAU, that's wild - I still remember my first meet up with you guys, even before I had my GTST. I had the Red VL Turbo and we cruised the Northern Beaches. Good Times.
  3. Hay Boys. Good to hear everyone is happy and safe.
  4. @GeeDog no sold the GT4. It was quite a good car. But not practical for me at the time. Ive been looking at other cheapie track cars too like the Clio RS and those French GTI things. An R32 GTSt would be perfect under historic rego
  5. @GeeDog thanks for the info - the above bit I get...... Knowing myself, if I got an RB2xDET, I would be modding the F out it and spending heaps of money. If I want a bit of fun the the V35 might be the go Cost over 5 years would be less with the V35, V37 I reckon - same amount of fun
  6. Hey All, It's been a while since I've posted on SAU - But I'm going to get back into some Nissan fun-ness. I'm basically looking at all options for a registered weekend track car. Budget is probably up to $20K. Bure really depends on lots of factors. I've done the R33 thing and have had an R32 and love them, but they are getting a bit old and worn out. But then I might be able to get an R32/33 with all the good bits already done. Been looking at the 350/370Zs too - and you seem to get a lot of car for the $$ (the negative is the lack of snail to boost up when you want) How does a 350/370z perform on the track versus an R33/R32 GTS-t ? Modified GTS-t that's a bit worn out versus a stock 350/370z Cheers peeps
  7. LOL - Just the car project bit - (for now)
  8. LOL - good to hear from you guys. It's be a long time ! @Duncan No project on the boil (that's the reason I came back actually) - I"ve been in Adelaide for 4 years now - Once married and with 4 kids now - I've had no time or money for Car projects. However, I think that is all about to change. So I came on here looking for a clean 1989, 1990 R32 Gtst. Anyone know anything for sale ? I wanna get a track car under historic rego. We are now blessed with The Bend, Mallala and AIR - so time to get back into it. Cheers boys B-Man
  9. Grey Skyline - Narrabeen Area on Sun 21/5/17 Hey All, Anyone know of a Grey Skyline driving in the Narrabeen area - Corner of Pittwater Rd & Garden St , last night (Sunday 21/5/17) around 9.30 pm ?? Please PM me... Thanks,
  10. Not like the good old days hey Nick ? Things change - C'est la vie
  11. Hey Radelaidians ! I am now one of you ! Just moved here from Sydney after being a cockroach all my life.] The car scene here is awesome I must say. I'm living in Glenelg East and could sit at coffee shops on Jetty road all day and watch all the cool cars go up and down - all weekend ! So - I'm an OG SAU'er from when it all first began - my first car forum was SAU and still my fav, although have not been on here for ages. I need some Adelaide workshop advice through please. I don't have ANY idea where to take my babies to get work done and servicing My Daily drive is an HSV Clubby with some fruit and it needs a service and I want to put a cam in it - from what I can see MorPowa may be a good option The other car is a dedicated track car, I plan to take to Malala as much as poss - it is a pretty rad and modified ST185 GT-4 Celica. Looking for recommendations for workshops please - Honesty, Technical Ability are more important than price - (although mega exy is not ideal) Cheers, B-Man
  12. OK well quick story of the S12 with the massive FJ20ET conversion goes like this: Bought the car for $1200 - drove it around stock for a bit Then S13 front end suspension and coilover upgrade Then I found an FJ20ET motor with Haltech ECU from a a wreck for super cheap DId the conversion Upgraded the diff to a proper Detroit locker for max traction - Took it out for a run pinion gear in dif locked (suspect no or lack or oil in diff) Purchased R32 rear subframe Workshop said all labour it would be nothing cause the pinion gear should not have seized (it wasn't actually their fault, they outsources the diff alignment to a (so called) specialist Sat in workshop for 5 years Got sick of waiting for workshop to fix it Sold it half finished for $1500 Total loss on this one - peanuts compared to the Silver Skyline and Blue 20B Cosmo The Celica is a BEAST though - I am stoked with it's transformation - if I ever get a chance to bring it back to Sydney, make sure you come see it - Massive Engine, Massive Brakes, Massive Suspension, Massive everything - I'm even thinking of putting a PPG dog straight cut gearset in it - 3S-GTE F.T.W
  13. Yo SAU-NSW, I haven't been around for a while - but I still remember my SAU username and password - so here I am Question - Is Prank (Christian) still running SAU ??? Reason I ask is that I would like to ask him permission to do a shameless plug for a new auto/motor sales website I have just built and want to promote (cheaply). It's been a hobby think of mine for a while now - and I think it's ready to let loose into the Aussie Market...... On to more interesting things - my favourite topic - ME ! I've moved to Adelaide, I'm married now, have 4 kids and haven't had a Skyline for ages BUT I still have the car bug bad and have had (un) invested heaps of cash in a few interesting ones. You may have heard about my 400kw Mazda Cosmo with a worked 20B and HKS turbo - I sold it to a young Asian Lad who wrote it off a week after he bought it. Then there was the BMW 7 Series - thought I would go Gangsta with a thumping 4L V8 - was a great car - but way to exy to maintain Then I switched to the dark side - Ford Focus ST225 which I modified with exahust , ecu etc - it was fun , but Front wheel drive. Next - and still current is my 1990 ST185 GT-4 Celica - it is a BEAST and is turning into my dedicated track car - Fully forged motor Garrett GT3076 turbo, 700cc injectors, Adaptronic, Wilwood brakes, Coilovers, etc etc - all the good fruit - 250 all wheel kilowasps - Daly Driver is an HSV Clubsport with some fruit on it - auto - fun to drive , and I love the sound of a V8 - it's nearly as good as and inline 6..... I'm gonna put a massive cam in it to make it sound and go much better. That's the update from me And if I have sparked your curiosity - check this out:
  14. It was an S12 with an FJ20ET - sold it - project taking too long. The 3S-GTE wasn't blown up too bad - just a very religious head gasket (holy) and main bearing worn down to the backing plate. She will be re-built - faster , better, stronger Watch out GTR owners :-)
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