Hi folks,
Long time no hear - right ??
What's been happening ?? Buster, have you cracked an 8 yet mate ?
Duncan, hows the Yellow dildo going ?
Maj - is your car still in one piece ?
I've been missing you all !
Well, about me -
I quit my job at Telstra and now (believe it or not) I am a Personal Trainer. I can hear you all laughing now - How did that fat bastard become a Personal Trainer ? Well, lose 15kgs for starters - Study hard, get qualified and buy a PT Franchise ! that's what I did !
And I am loving it - although the pay is about 4 times not as good as IT, the stress is less ! (Getting up at 4:00am in the morning is not that crash hot)
What else, Oh yeah - the girly has moved in - BOY what an eye opener that is. Shit man, I can't do a thing right, my whole place has been redecorated, the dog nearly got kicked out - Sheeeze - the the things you do !
Moving on to my car - Well, still have the Paj - it's a warrior ! haha BUT . I need something zippy. Thought about putting a V8 in the Paj, but it just wouldn't do !
So - since my budget is small - VERY VERY small - What do you reckon ?
I saw a Peugot 205GTI for $1900 the other day - looked OK - Then I got to thinking about options:
Dato 1600
Swift GTI
What do ya think ?? I want something zippy for streets.
This is how bad it is ...... I hired a Triton Ute the other day - and I though it as a rocket ship. I drove my sisters auto Mirage - and I though it was a go cart !
Help me - I am going insane ! !!