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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Man that looks like the Plasmaman/UAS plenum !
  2. Ben - get a better boost controller son - You'll be way over 200 at the wheels Your car is a freak of nature
  3. Keep up the good work John. These units have the look - and if backed up with back to back dyno numbers, then no-one can argue. Not everyone has access to the kit required to fabicate these type of units. My only concern would be the cost of these unit verses the Greddy unit. However you can't really compare the two flow wise. As the UAS one uses the factory runners which distribute flow evenly until all port flow reach the plenum chamber. This to me, signifies a more even distribution of air to the head. The Greddy unit on the other hand takes the flow and pushes it accross all ports - hopefully even distibution would occur , but who knows ? The Greddy unit is cast and is VERY rough on the inside - I don't think this helps flow. N/A style trumpets on forced induction engines are a bit mysterious - Some people swear by them and others say it is a waste of time. I spent time with one fabricator who claimed big increases du to internal trumpets. He also wanted $3000+ for his custom plenum. I said " show me the % perfomance increase versus the % increase in cost over the Greddy, and if your % increas per dollar is more than the Greddy, I will buy it" - I never heard back from him. Plenum design is THE MOST controversial issue with Forced induction motors. Pretty much all other aspects of performance mods are easy to quantify. Eg: 550cc / min injectors flow more than 340 cc / min ones Bigger intercooler lowers inlet temps Bigger turbos flow more air Adjustable ECUs are able to more accurately adjust air fuel ratios Increased cylinder capacity benefits everything Electonic boost controllers adjust boost more accuratley Free-er flowing heads are able to increase head air flow and so on But Plenums - meh - who knows. I still don't get how SK can say that the std plenum top doesn't flow more air to the middle two cylinders - you just gotta look at it to see why..... But hell - I am no engineer and no driver , hence why i have turned to Turbo diesel 4WD power. Bet my truck would beart any of your Skyline accross the Simpson Desert. Each to their own. Cheers & have a grouse day
  4. He he - I knew this would happen. John - get my old car. Do a dyno run before (with the Greddy plenum). Then take the Greddy plenum off - Put the UAS one on , with the polishes bottom runners and then put it on the dyno again - then post the dyno graphs of before and after. I am not saying one is better or worse then the other - just a comparison. I don't the answer - but I do know that from looking at a front facing plenum and the flow direction, it seems to ME that they make better sense than the standard ones. The standard ones to me shoot air directly into ports 3 & 4 - But as SK says he doesn't see this with his analysis. Keep up the good work. Cheers,
  5. This will be in interesting discussion as I know SK's view on front facing plenums versus factory. Those plenums look very nice john - any pics of from the TB perspective ?? Just intested in seeing how the flow works.
  6. I'll give you one of those for free fatz - you sexy beast !
  7. Honda's new turbo charged bike.
  8. Hey John, Are you a JP or really just JP ?? Cause if u r a JP, I'll bring the big turbo diesel paj round and have a chat with ya ! he he h
  9. Thanks guys - back OT now.
  10. Bump ?? I guess that means no-one knows ??
  11. Justice of the Peace.
  12. So what - do you just rock up and say hi, is anyone a JP ?? I need some shit signed ?? And they do it ?? Thanks everyone.
  13. I thought so - but do you think I could find a list of 'authorised' people under the NSW oaths act of 1900 ?? I even know what section of the act - 27 But it doesn't seem to say - Doctors, Phycologist, Chemists, School Teachers, Brothel owners - etc. Thanks for that./
  14. Nope - nowhere near there , and quite carless at the moment - Thanks for that though. I think it will be easier for me when I actually have a car....... Damn - I have been going so well without one.....
  15. Ha - yeah that's what I thought too - I went to my local Chemist and they said no - try the fish & chip shop, which I did but guess what - I think they were taking the piss.
  16. I need a document signed by a JP cause I am selling my house. Doesn't have to be a JP but has to be an 'authorised person' under the NSW oaths act of 1900 (Who ever that might be) <--- Adam can you help a non-legal out here , I Have googled it to no avail -
  17. Dunno , I think so (Roy will know) - If you want to come over and try them on for size, you are more than welcome. Negotiable - to a degree. Cheers,
  18. Hi SK - Since the IEBC used injector duty cycle in it algorithm to control 'stuff' - do you think that this would work with a diesel turbo ?
  19. Someone say cheaterer tyres ?? I've got some for $2200 ono - plus they come with a set of Buddy Club P1's Check the sig.
  20. Not broke - Just time for a change.
  21. Nah - no car any more. (sold, both of them)
  22. I think this guy neesds some driver training http://forums.melbccr.com/showthread.php?t=68156
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