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  1. Hi Just dropping by to update you all on my Stagea. I have owned it since 2007 and it had 71k on the clock when I bought it. I would have been one of the first, if not the first, to have need to replace my turbo soon after I bought it. Since then it has been no problem and I have now reached 320k on the clock. I did experience one issue and that was a wrongly fitted upper right rear suspension arm. This occurred after an accident and I believe the repairer obtained the wrong part, innocently enough, from a wrecker. It was subsequently picked up on by my mechanic at WoF time but not before excessive tyre wear had occurred due to the alignments being put out prematurely. The parts diagram shows a straight edge but the correct part for my car has a curved edge. An interesting experience since it has led to a further claim by me against the insurance company for not returning the vehicle in as good condition as before the accident. Other than this, the car has earned its sobriquet The Mighty, one that I give only to vehicles that surpass the 300k mark like my old Merc did. Happy and safe motoring to you all.
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  2. mine's leaked for ages, decided I'd just hang in there and been this way for ages, no problems
  3. 270,000kms here, had since 70 k. Only done one plug. Still get better mileage than you quote and it's a turbo. I wouldn't waste your money.
  4. The ones I drove, rwd and awd, seemed to have power enough. Urgency from the get go no turbo lag. I had a behemoth of a passenger in RS4 test drive too and it hauled up a hill willingly enough. Good test that. They seem to be trickling through on these shores now mainly because we can no longer import the non-complying M35's. Expect to see more threads here as more owners change over.
  5. Are these few and far between for any reason?
  6. I managed to sort this through ANL Autospares, Wellington, thanks to Chris, the boss. $60 plus gst. (Would post an image but can't find the upload button in new site.)
  7. I see that these are starting to trickle into NZ. Late models, low kms = higher prices. Have they made their appearance in Oz yet and does anyone know what they are like, performance, spec, fuel economy wise? I have been looking at Toyota Highlander/ Kluger but higher alleged fuel consumption and smaller tank puts me off. Range, for me, counts. I have seen 9.7 l / 100 kms for the Nissan quoted, with 80 l tank, which is more to my liking. Cruise control is my desire too and not sure if this comes as standard in Japan.
  8. Bumping this as I need to get mine done for NZ Certificate of Fitness, within two weeks. At 262,000 kms I needed wheel bearings front left and rear right, which I did before the test, knowing they needed doing. Bad idea as I now need to go back to the front left all over. Ho hum. No luck at Autolign as they don't list any after markets on their system. Any help much appreciated. Ta.
  9. Rear brake pads, steering rack boot, and the two bushes. Brake calipers were a pig to get off.
  10. Thanks but I did the work already. $1,300 later (sensor $148 +gst)...I got my WoF. And it was 246,000 kms not 241. Here's hoping. BTW Nolethane bushes are now available for those control arms at about NZD 100 each.
  11. This happened to me this week several times. Had been recalled too. Going in tomorrow for this and other fixes for WoF. 241,00kms.
  12. The CX5's also look good and drive well too. The diesel LTD version I drove anyway.
  13. i like the look of the xc70 2012 model though. I took one for a test drive and was surprised at its performance and roadholding vs my stag.
  14. So how do the Volvo diesel turbos hold out since we're talking Euro a go go?
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