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About griffin3

  • Birthday 03/02/1970

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  1. Hi Skyliner's I would like to thank everyone for there idears and sugestions,due to illness "again" and all the hospital visits I can't do anything yet! until I'v recovered, This realy Pissed me off as I'm sick of bloody hospital, but at least I'v got something to look forward too as I'm realy hanging out to get my new wheels. I'll check back with you all as soon as they let me out of hospital "They will not let me take my laptop in with me-bummer". Thanks guys you have given me some much needed hope and something to look forward too. Many thanks to all, be safe out there, griffin
  2. Hi Skyliner’s I NEED A NEW CAR- Please I need Help LOOKING TO BUY A HOT COUPE'-I have looked everywhere and only found 2 cars in WA (GTR V SPEC~N1 with a 5 speed Manual & a Black Auto 350Z GT Skyline) that come close to the machine I really want. The best one I have found so far is a GTR V SPEC~N1 – it’s the real thing ~1 of 228. However, Problem is I am disabled and cannot use a manual clutch/gearbox. So Question 1) GTR -Can it be convert to an auto-Bolt on Auto if possable, so what will be the best gear to use & who could do it & what do you think it may cost! I don't want to cut anything or damage the GTR-so it can be restored to original condition. 2) Can a 350Z auto gearbox or a CVT (Consistent Veritable Transmition) Automatic gearbox fit a N1 block with a converted bell housing. What other mods will be required to function-OR is it too complicated and too costly to do this type of conversion & be cheaper to buy an Auto straight off the bat? 3)I'am Open to ALL suggestions/recommendations of other types of HOT coupe’s that have been customised or have been rebuilt with lots of High Performance Parts by their owners. I want a turnkey solution, so a custom show car would be perfecto. If you have got what I want or know where I can find one please let me know ~ [email protected] Thanks griffin3
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