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Turbo 33

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Everything posted by Turbo 33

  1. thinking about straight swapping for 18s show me what u got brisbane and gold coast i cant get anywhere due to not having licence marquis promada 2 perfect rims 2 rims with slight gutter rash thinking about straight swapping for 18in 235 front 245 rear or maybe stock 33 rims plus cash my way r33 gtst BRISBANE front 17/45/235 inside tire wear back 17/40/255 left 95% tread back right 45%
  2. does anyone know what these rims are
  3. can someone please change colour of rims please to white then black then gunmetal grey
  4. can someone please change colour of rims please to white then black then gunmetal grey
  5. ok thanks
  6. or should i just get mine painted
  7. anyone stock r33 gtst rims they want to swap for 17 inch rims plus cash my way
  8. no sorry back right got about 45% tread
  9. anyone interested
  10. Thinking about straight swapping for 18s show me what u got brisbane and gold coast marquis promada rims 2 perfect rims 2 rims with slight gutter rash thinking about straight swapping for 18in 235 front 245 rear or maybe stock 33 rims plus cash my way r33 gtst BRISBANE front 17/45/235 inside tire wear back 17/40/255 left 95% tread back 45% tread
  11. does anyone wany to do a swap
  12. anyone please i just want a change
  13. or 17in just want something different
  14. thinking about straight swapping for 18s show me what u got brisbane and gold coast i cant get anywhere due to not having licence marquis promada 2 perfect rims 2 rims with slight gutter rash thinking about straight swapping for 18in 235 front 245 rear or maybe stock 33 rims plus cash my way r33 gtst BRISBANE front 17/45/235 inside tire wear back 17/40/255 left 95% tread back right bald
  15. thanks for ur help
  16. brisbane
  17. when it warms up it idles good but could my fuel pump be stuffed cause it ran out of fuel
  18. i can only hear the humming noise when it is switch to on
  19. please help me
  20. its manual and idles fine when on flat ground when warm but the reason i thought it is the fuel pump because it ran out of fuel and also shits its self above 4500 rpm is there anyway to check if it is the fuel pump
  21. please help me i spoke to nissan on the phone and they said it sounds like ur fuel pump
  22. i think my fuel pump is stuffed idles like crap when cold and on flat ground but when i reverse it up on the ramps it idles perfect please help
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