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Turbo 33

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Everything posted by Turbo 33

  1. ok what i should have said is it feels laggy like it spools quick and early tho doesnt feel like there is any power there i had the timing belt cover off like a couple of months ago and harmonic balancer was lined up with the right mark and the exhaust side was lined up as well but the intake side was off like its ment to be facing 10 oclock but it was alot closer to 11 but the other 2 were perfectly lined up could that affect power ??
  2. would that make the boost feel really flat sorta like its not coming but it really is
  3. full exhaust fmic pod filter stock computer yes it has had a service every 5000 its been laggy since about 2 days after i fitted the intercooler tho it was great for the first 2 days now shit and its been nearly a year there is no boost leaks nothin its like laggy but just feel like the power is there but like lack of it and it doesnt have that boost feel tho it says its boosting
  4. so it will be better to have it on the cold side ?? and why does my stock turbo feel laggy?? and with that pressure drop will it be more if my intercooler is a bit bent at the top and bottom (that happened when my car got towed) bent the like have the bottom row so it now like have the size it would normally be and the same at the top
  5. do u think it will make any difference if i run my boost controller line from the cold side of the intercooler rather then the hot side ? like it on the pipe that come straight from the turbo now but the car feels laggy will it be better if it is on the cold side of the intercooler like the boost doesnt come on strong just feels shit tho it still says it boosting just doesnt feel like it btw only mods are full exhaust fmic pod filter EDIT HOPE THAT MAKES SENSE!!!!
  6. Turbo 33

    Spare Tyre

    its not illegal not to have one tho if you do have have must be legal tread otherwise they will do you for it that came straight from a cop i spoke to
  7. nope resetting doesnt help it felt insane after fitting the fmic but then it sort died off now just doesnt push me back in my seat feels sorta non turbo lol still fast but its doesnt have the push lol still sounds like the turbo is doin its job spools fine and sounds fine
  8. same as mine when i first got it i felt the push back in ur seat but know nothin but stills says 10 psi
  9. pm me
  10. plz pm me pics of the bonnet thanks
  11. yeh could be useful to me since mine is missing its punch to lol
  12. Item 3: S2 Indicator Stalk Price: Free (I paid for one with foglight switch so this isn't worth anything to me) Details: Straight out of my car - sticks on high beam + low beam when switching from high to low (which is actually more useful than an issue - a simple extra touch resets it back to low) - figured it'd still be a good replacement for somebody needing one - no foglight switch. i need pm me please
  13. i was saying 1000kms of no launching and driving it easy because thats what i was told to do when i got my brass button clutch installed
  14. sounds like blown turbo
  15. cheers mate for putting them on hold for me i will see you on saturday to come and pick them up 2. BOV for R33, can adjust, $20 (Hold) 3. HKS turbo timer without R33 hardness, $20 (Hold) 4. 2 steering wheels, one for street use and one for drift use, $40 (Hold)
  16. spotted white R34 gtt 83CKS yesterday on loganlea rd very nice car driver was hot to lol
  17. are you interested in swaps let me know
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