the 1s that really bug me r the drivers out here in the country that sit on about 80 in a 100 zone on the highways when they r single lane but when they r overtaking lanes they will speed up 2 like 110 2 120 2 keep u behind them then slow down 2 80 again.
one day when this was hapening i had a highway behind me and he pulled out 2 go around me so i let him in then he pulled the car over and when i saw him at the pub later i was talking 2 him and he said that he booked the person for it as there was about 12 cars behind me.
The worst 1 i have been with is i was behind a car doing this a gave him a little flash with the high beam once again had i cop behind me but this time was an undercover when we got to the overtaking lane i went 2 overtake him and when i got beside him the prick swerved 2 hit me off the road i dont know howhe didnt hit me but i ended up on the wrong side of the road. i pulled infront of the prick slowed down 2 bout 40 then ripped the handbrake on and stoped in front of him, he pulled up got out of his car and started yelling at me the undercover pulled up behind and yelled at me and told me 2 bugger of then started yelling at the other driver for wat he done. My parents were about 10 mins behind me and they said they were still there when they drove past.