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Everything posted by seanisonfire

  1. strange you say that!! the other night i was thinking about turning my tv on.. and BAM!! it turned on.. im not shittin ya!! i was freaked out!!
  2. i probly almost did... lol i had a couple of heart pulpitations :S i can tell u i wont be drinking it AGAIN!! surely it wont last very long if its going to do that to people!!
  3. date was all good!! had over a year left on expiry! ive finally come good now.. took a good 7 hrs tho!!
  4. haha!! most likely
  5. Energy - 1030kj protein - 2g fat - 0g sugar - 67g sodium - 650mg guarana extract - 600mg caffeine - 160mg riboflavin - 2.4mg niacin - 14mg vitamin b6 - 2.3mg vitamin b12 - 2.8mg pantothenic acid - 3.5mg taurine - 2000mg glucuronolactone - 125mg
  6. Has anyone tried this new drink 'Samedi'? i had never heard of it until today when i walked into a deli in guildford and spotted it.. bought 4 cans.. one for myself and the rest for the boys at work! It tastes AWESOME!! we were all enjoying it while it was going down.. but no long after finishing.. we all felt pretty ill!! head spins, head aches, feeling sick! it was really strong!! i thought that i would do a bit of research on 'samedi' when i got home to see if other people have experienced similar effects to what we all had! there isnt alot of info on it... its not meant to be released yet.. still another month or something!! but the info i found was a little scary!! there have been no consumer reviews as of yet.. here is what i found - Samedi Says... <H3></H3> When you name an energy drink "Samedi" after the Voodoo spirit Baron Samedi (a guy with the ability to awaken the dead) you've got to respect the super-natural power that you're dealing with. The ad team have actually been over to New Orleans and participated in ceremonies summoning Him. Baraon Samedi or Papa Guédé is a Loa or a spirit in the Voodoo faith. He is the patron of parties and er oticism and also a shepherd of death residing at the crossroads and is also linked to resurrection. so does anyone else think this is strange?? its weird how all my workmates and me reacted the same to it it would be interesting to see if anyone else game enough to try it will experince the same!??!
  7. *jaw hits the ground* OMG!! Absolutely fkn unreal!! that drift around the house was fkn TIGHT! and the dude on the little 2 wheel thingy.. i woulda been shitting myself if that was me! that would be the ride of a lifetime if you got to go around
  8. feeling HEAPS better today!! i think my body was just expelling the Duromine! had an awesome sleep in this morning.. which is somethig i havnt been able to do for ages! coz the duromine was effecting my sleep!!
  9. feeling ill again this morning!! but i dont think it is a virus or anything! im on medication for weight loss (duromine) its basically a legal form of speed!! when i researched it the other day i found out about some side effects.. so i have decided to stop using it!! so i could just be feeling ill due to my body coming down from the 'legal speed' has anyone else been on duromine??
  10. i know DLS is shit.. but when it changes back to normal time, dont you all feel a huge relief?!?! we all get used to waking up early.. and when it changes we get to sleep in for an extra hour.. til we get used to that! lol i think there are more people against DLS so i dont see it lasting
  11. i sooo agree!! its a serious design flaw... pisses me off... and i only have been there once!! oh and the service was SHITE!! damn indian lady didnt know wat the hell was going on
  12. its a date!!!!
  13. cheers mate
  14. i almost forgot about the tavern!! cant wait for it... if it ever comes?
  15. what time it start?? cost anything?
  16. there i some mean shit going around atm! people who never get sick are catching it... and its hard to shake it!! damn cold/flu strains always evolving.
  17. sweet!! kfc is awesome!! i thought they would have advetised the new hj's.. but i havnt even heard anything about it!!
  18. haha.. ninja is funny! classic
  19. hj's is now open!! too bad i cant eat it for the next 6 months
  20. ur right on the money there!! i carry my weight really well... if u were to see me you wouldnt think i would have a problem.. but the fat i do have is concentrated around my gut! eating healthy aint too bad! i have gotton through the last few days pretty easily.. lets hope it lasts
  21. im around 185cms sure we can train!! like rocky
  22. update- this morning i went for my ultrasound.. and before anyone of you guys make a joke, NO im not pregnant the lady conducting the test said that my liver is larger than normal.. and looks like i have a disease called Fatty liver! it is common in western countries because of our high fat diets! the disease is caused from excessive weight in the mid region depositing fat into your liver.. which aint good! im only 22.. weigh around 112kg's now but about 3 months ago i was about 120kg's! it is a big wake up call for me.. i need to make some big lifestyle changes.. mainly diet!! i always used to be pretty fit.. until around a mid last year.. i weighed 92kg's back then! i hurt my knee playing sport, which made me have to stop playing sport for around 6 months.. i also was eating pretty bad! i gained so much weight so fast it obviously wasnt healthy!! 30 odd kilos in a year hopefully i can get my health back in order soon.. and most important of all.. maintain it!! i dont think fatty liver disease has caused me to get sick so often in the past 2 months.. its just bad luck!! sounds like alot of other people have been sick just like me! i think im getting to the end of my latest sickness! and i hope it stays away for a long time!! i just want to feel good for a while!! lol
  23. dont worry.. its not your fault im irresistable haha
  24. narr
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