just checking if anyone has been unwell recently like me?
about a month n a half ago i had the flu really bad.. i had it for about 10 days! i eventually got better and went on a holiday over to thailand (phuket). while i was over there i got sick again.. this time i had a nausea sickness. total loss of appetite, bad stomach pains and really bad dhiarrhea! i had it for about a week.. even when i returned home! i thought it was from eating something bad over there..
i have been feeling well for the last couple of weeks until friday night just gone.. the nausea came back and i have lost my appetite again.. pretty much the same as when i was on holidays! i had a really bad sore throat last night, and feel like im getting a bad cough!
i kinda think that all the sicknesses are linked in some way? alot of people i know have been sick lately
so has anyone experienced something like this??