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Everything posted by GTR-32U

  1. In the meantime do not drive the thing...If you got water coming through the BOV then there is a pretty fair chance you gonna get a water build up in the intercooler also..It will come on boost,pressurise the water built up in the intercooler into the engine and BANG ! Conrod hanging out the side of the block
  2. TAB cola...Damn that shit was good McDonalds in Styrofoam containers Talented musicians
  3. I am thinking a turbo has totally lunched itself.Engine oil seems normal and it isnt running hot...So I would assume the head gasket to be healthy still..But gutless and water leaking...This is turbo.Water is leaking into the inlet from the turbo...thats why you got it at the BOV..Also explains why its getting to the exhaust.Now if for arguments sake headgasket was gone it would also cause similar symptoms...However I think it would be overheating within minutes and your oil would be looking like choco milkshake.So the problem seems to be isolated on the turbo side of things..I am thinking one of your turbos survived and the other is dead...Thats why you got some boost there and also why its slow to respond...Maybe I am wrong...but definately worth inspecting
  4. how bad is the tune ? Is it pinging on 98 ?..Jap tunes tend to be on the rich side at times..however I am not so sure about ignition curves..
  5. No you dont need a security licence to do this.In fact a security guard has no more legal rights than anyone else.The arrests they make are still defined as citizens arrest.They take huge risks however as I would be willing to bet that 95% of Security guards have no idea on what their powers of arrest even are.This is dangerous as a false arrest can lead to a law suite that may even cost you your house.! I did security for 5 years, in that time I worked security at said shopping centre chain,But not at Miranda.I was also loss prevention for Myer. even did the plain clothes undercover thing also. Now for the interesting part.For you to make a sucessful arrest several criteria must be met so you cannot be sued and the defence attorney cannot pick your case to bits- They will try I would highly recommend using video surveillance for this job as it is undisputable proof While doing loss prevention several criteria we had to meet *Thief must be observed to approach object *Thief must be witnessed committing the offence of breaking into and entering vehicle *Thief must be witnessed to drive vehicle away Now my points may seem a bit stupid,but during all of these acts the person(s) witnessing the event must not lose visual contact at all at any time.This is VERY important...In our statements against thieves we had to write lengthy reports of the incidents..In our reports we had to make note of all these things.. eg male was seen at ? time enter the ? area of the Myer store.Male was then observed to select ? item of clothing.male was then observed to conceil the item under his shirt.male was then observed to walk past checkout without making any attempt to pay for the item.male was then observed to leave the store without paying for the item. Male was then approached by myself and arrest was made.At no point in time was visual contact lost... I cannot stress how important the not losing visual even for a second is...If for example I was chasing an offender with said item..and lets say I lost him for a second or two but then seen him again and arrested him..He had item on him still etc...His defense attorney would throw this case out...He could prove that it could have been possible that in the time I lost contact he theoretically could have made contact with a friend who gave said item to him etc....see my point ?...I hope my little bit helps as I got years of experience of doing just this..i can tell stories for hours about it..May I also suggest you approach other car forums with this also...WRX,Supra soarer, Commodore Falcon etc..I am sure you would have their support also
  6. mate while your at it do all the hoses...My experiences with cars is that once the first hose goes the rest are only weeks behind it.Do the lot with Silicon...Full on job but worth it in the end...One thing to strike off the to do list
  7. Hard to tell here if its a head gasket or Turbos gone....Engine oil look normal ? I am guessing Turbos...How does the temp guage run....Same as before ?..one of your turbos might be totally stuffed I am thinking
  8. Good idea...but riots arent just for the immigrants...I dont recall the Noble Park thing having anything to do with any racial type thing...Riots happen everywhere..Macquarie Fields is another fine example...Police just dont have the Authority they used to.
  9. GTR-32U

    Family Man

    Most likely an import yard..I know there are a few on Parramatta rd...They havent been on our roads nowhere near as long as Skylines and other imports...So they are still pretty much the new kid on the block here...Check with a few of the importers in your area though...Most of the ones I have looked at tended to be in far better condition than most other imports probably due to cars being newer and sold to a different kind of buyer....
  10. GTR-32U

    Family Man

    Aristo is a great choice....Depending on the Model , They do come with the 2JZ Supra engine....May also be worthwhile checking out some of the later model Toyota Chasers also..They are a very sporty looking 4 door with heaps of potential as well..Right wheels tyres and lowered look mega tough
  11. Yeah I hear what your saying, however there are plenty of nationalities here that hold grudges toward each other...Aussie/Leb, Or maybe Indian/Pakistani...Greek/Macedonian..Greek/Turk..the list goes on.Too many young idiots brainwashed by older idiots cause this hooligan behaviour
  12. yep I am a Cro and I take offense to this picture....Stupid...nothing to do with what happened out there
  13. sounds right to me also....Sorry to say this but its a Bastard of a thing to replace also....Nowhere where you can get your hands in to work...If you can get the car on a hoist it will make life a bit easier as this is how my hoses were replaced...Off memory I think the starter motor even had to come out so there was room to work....Good luck
  14. I notice in this picture you make references to Serb Crowds and Cro's....Well is that how it happened at Noble park ?....Last I heard it was a bunch of out of control Aussies....So why try to pin something on the slavic people.....? Accept your own wrongdoings and dont point fingers....
  15. If its only 200 cars then thats no problem really...However remember that the 6 litre was also only available in HSV spec...and look now its standard fitment.How long will it be till the 7litre is standard fitment ? Just what we need ...18 yr old P plater driving around in a car with the power of a V8 Supercar almost...Not as simpossible as it sounds...Dont get me wrong I am not anti Holden or Ford for that matter. These are cars that are a credit to our auto industry..But we do not need engines this big.We dont need to follow in the footsteps of the Americans...I feel we are better than them at building 4 door sedans...Why else is it that they are showing so much interest in the Commodores....
  16. think it will bring the price of R32 GTR's down at all ? Or have they pretty much hit rock bottom ?
  17. Well under full throttle I would say you are correct...However under normal driving conditions...No I still think the GTR would have better economy and cleaner emissions...
  18. ummm champ you did notice I did say Fit this engine - Not build ?...Thanks but I have worked on a few Holden V8s , I am well aware of what they built and didnt....At least with the Yanks there fuel is a lot cheaper than here...More GM usa being an Ass than holden for building such a large engine....Not necessary...
  19. This is exactly what I was thinking...This is 2008, price of crude oil just hit $102 a barrel...unleaded for $2 a litre is not as far away as we may think....With all the problems with the environment and as we are supposed to be trying to cut greenhouse emmisions along comes this great gas guzzler...WTF are they thinking ? Hey why not go the whole hog and fit a 10 litre V10...that will show em !!...When is Holden going to realise that you do not need to have a big capacity engine to make horsepower.? BMW make this power out of a 5 litre V10...Why cant Holden ditch the pushrod and 2 valve engine and go Hitech ..... ?
  20. Since when cant you regap NGK iridium plugs ?? What a load of Crap..I have regapped them many times...Just need feeler guages and be very gently when closing the gap..Just a small tap and check and repeat if necessary...Done this several times and never had problems
  21. wow...very impressive....Holden really stepping up to the plate now..
  22. it aint just Miranda...Parramatta Westfields has some ridiculously high amount of car theft and vandalism...Has had for many years. The whole thing with the lost ticket is easy to get around... 1. Thief drives his/her own car in and gets a legitimate ticket 2. Thief steals car and exits using legit ticket in the stolen car 3. Thief later returns as ticket staff usually go home and leave gates open after 7pm most weeknights ( except thurs ) 4. Alternatively thief returns claiming they lost the ticket, produces ID that vehicle belongs to he/she and pays the $20 max ticket fee Cameras ? OK so you can watch your car being stolen and driven out over and over again....These cameras are never really zoomed in to one spot ...not close enough to be able to identify people
  23. if it was me I would be getting a daggy set and get them rebolstered and retrimmed...I doubt you will ever find a perfect set and if you do you gonna pay BIG for them
  24. In my opinion the 300zx is the underdog of the performance import scene.Not many people have them or modify them...which makes them kind of special...Its probably not a practical car for a family guy but as a speed machine they have got awesome potential.For the guys who have made the effort the rewards have been reaped...But looking under the bonnet...Uhhh!! How is a person supposed to work on this thing ?...First mod would be a heavily vented carbon bonnet to let all that heat out and protect electrics...Definately a car for those who arent intimidated by a challenge
  25. ...Hmm ..the silence on here is deafening....Gotta find out more about that DAMN car...sounds like an interesting beast
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