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Everything posted by GTR-32U

  1. With all due respect to the Hondas, They absolutely fly around a tight circuit like wakefield. Twisty roads they are simply brilliantly engineered cars for handling and response
  2. As far as I am aware you can, IF you pull the fuse out for the 4wd you will be stuck in rwd. So wiring in a switch may be a possibility... Not a bad idea as GTS4's are a pain in the ass to get off the line
  3. Fantastic post..! very true, Its the quick fix...There is no shortcut to greatness full stop. Call me old fashioned but I am a big believer in doing things the "proper" way.
  4. I wouldnt go blowing the trumpet for BP fuels. I dont think the fuel they sell is any better than any other brand. I have heard plenty of stories of cars running like crap on BP...do a search, I am sure you will find a few on here even
  5. He wont get massive, however he will put on size. I have seen it many times, Guys who have no fking idea how to train.but they do know how to gear up.. They do make gains, Not permanent gains but nonetheless something there....
  6. To be honest I am not a big fan of Physique photos, They rarely do reality justice. Eg a 5 ft tall 60 kg guy in training usually looks massive in a picture, However a 100 kg 6'4 guy in training generally looks smallish. However , stand the two guys side by side and then you can see the real picture. 6'4 guy towers over the little guy and is virtually twice his size.
  7. Bzzz....! Not sure if I agree wit that one. I have seen plenty of guys hit the gear and to watch them train is laughable indeed.. I kind of liken them to having NOS in your car, Its great and fast while its there, But as soon as that bottle is empty-your right back to square one again. I have seen guys literally spend well over a grand for a cycle..in that time they did put on some decent size, As soon as they ran out...Pffft back to being a creampuff again... Thats why I much prefer the natural way. Its long term, And even when I gave up training for a few years- I still carried an amount of size
  8. Jebiga...! That is one fine engine bay...Very nice, Please keep us updated with more pics whenever possible !!!!!
  9. wow this car sounds like an absolute monster !! PICs please..!!!!
  10. God not another Honda vs Skyline post......Been done a few times now
  11. Guess you could have reported the vehicle stolen, Unfortunately its way too late for that
  12. yeah what plugs are you running ? Heat range, gap etc ?
  13. Of course.... I would sooner run out of fuel and walk 30km to work then deprive myself of Gym membership...
  14. Yep, as much as I love the Z32's and I almost bought one years ago. The only thing that put me off was the engine bay. I took one good look, imagined how ( if ) I would be able to do simple basic work ie plugs, belts ,filters etc....and thought No way...impossible... god knows how you would go about changing sparkplugs, Pull the inlet manifolds off maybe ?
  15. Ahh shite, that reminds me....Membership expires next month...Bye bye $$$$
  16. Yep good post...And you are correct , There is so much Bullsh^t information floating around Gyms and the net these days..I often go onto Bodybuilding websites however 99% of the time the guys in the forums are some scrawny 16 yr old kid talking out of his Ass, something he may have heard from somebody who heard from somebody else instantly becomes carved in stone...This is why I am never afraid to try out new diet routines etc..
  17. Generally I give most things a try to see if it works for me. I will give the oats a go for a while,It may help for some-may do jack for others. One way to find out for myself I guess. I have to admit I have never tried the Glucose yet, However I am hearing quite good response regarding it so I will give it a go...Just have to shop around and see whats the best deal
  18. I am surprised with the money spent that a cracktest wasnt performed or magnufluxed..
  19. hmm I dont know if that 32 g is entirely accurate. I have heard so many different theories on how many grams the body will absorb. everything from 40 down to 30 . Some tell me the body adapts to increasing workload by absorbing a higher than normal amount. Who knows....Thats why I try and get about 40 grams a serve in. Better to be over than under I feel.But i guess some oats wouldnt go astray, But i would prefer to eat a banana with it if possible
  20. I go 4 days a week , other than taking 3 years off a few years ago to get Married/Have daughter/ recover from shoulder injury - I guess I would have about 15 yrs of Gym experience. Which I guess is pretty long. But I am always learning new things. I am never too stubborn to get new advice
  21. I dont know that Gym, I am at Body action at Fairfield heights. Not a massive gym - but gets the job done
  22. I see your in Sydney, What Gym are you at ?
  23. Thanx for the tips there, I have never heard of anyone putting oats into protein shakes. I am wondering how that would mix ( if it would mix ) I currently do quite a few shakes a day. More like 5 , If I aint taking shakes I am usually eating a few small cans of tuna and my main meal ( until I am sick of it ) are usually a few pork steaks or Porterhouse steak fillets.So I currently get 40ish grams of Protein every 2.5 hrs. I currently aim for 300-350 grams of protein a day. And believe me its a LOT harder to do than it sounds. As for during workout drink...you got me there, I am only drinking cool water-nothing added. I dont really want to increase sugar levels drastically.
  24. Sugar does a pretty damn good job as well
  25. Havent tried that BSC one yet. I was on one called shock therapy which was pretty good. Have yet to try out your diet tips with the oats,BCAA. on my to-do-list
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