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Everything posted by ontheranch

  1. You would think so, its still classified as a high performance import tho. The difference is under 500 bucks. Pretty gay, ill still use the "cheap insurance" line when I sell it.
  2. Wow, excellent work people!!
  3. Yeah I tried Shannons and they wouldnt insure me either.
  4. A good idea for eveyones workplace is a casual friday.... Gold coin or more donation... Im getting onto that right now
  5. Let me know if you need any assistance. Keen to help out.
  6. Yeah girls do get it cheaper a lot of the time. Did at Justcar, cost an extra 500bux if you were a guy. Not to include the age excess... which is bigger then a females also. H2P do allow monthly repayments and dont charge any extra to do so, no cancelation fees or anything either. I also got a quote for when I upgrade and get a Turbo, its and extra 500bux on excess or something like that. Basic excess is $1000 Driver under 21 - $750 Driver 21-24 - $500 Driver (me)- $250 Just car have $1000 basic another $1000 if your at fault and another car is involved Then driver and age excesses on top of that. Cant remember the exact details but when the renewal papers come through I will do a proper comparison and let ya know.
  7. Just rang H2P. They will cover my car for $23,000 and quoted $1110 PA Im paying more then that at just car to cover $14,000 Hmmmm Renewal comes up in march. Pretty sure im shifting to H2P
  8. Spotted a very stock silver 4door 34 on main north road, Elizabeth. Chick was driving. My car is back on the road, im gaining trust in it again slowly. Pretty much stare at the temp gage flat out. Gosh i wish it beeped when it got hot, be so much easier.
  9. Yeah I was there with Dani
  10. Thats sweet as! they paying 4 ya? haha
  11. Hahaha! I just cracked up my whole office with this.
  12. Not sure if anyone here heard about the Big Day Out truck that flipped in Truro but I was on my way to the river and went past it. The road was blocked off but I had to walk down the street to go to the bottle'O and got these pics..... aparantly it lost control at the top corner and slid all the way down the main street. Truro is bad luck.. murders..my car and my friends car breaking down there.... truck crash...
  13. I think mine is going on car insurance
  14. my train shit itself, stuck in Salisbury, the bus service stopping at every stop till gawler, so I bailed to cafe aqua. Enjoying a beer waiting 4 someone to save me.
  15. I got brutas one of those half shell/clam kiddy pools. Shame he doesnt like water.
  16. I had my cars thermo fixed yesterday... Not game to take It for a drive and test it!
  17. Lol at crazy rabbit lady!!
  18. I had to leave my cat at my mums when I moved out. She lived in the country and its not fair to bring here into suburbs. I used to have horses back in the day, my boy Casper died a few years back but had a good life, he was old. Brutas was a give away cos the guy did shiftwork and left him locked up all day in a tiny courtyard. Absolute nutter when I got him but he learnt quickly and is an angel now.
  19. Is that cat a ragdoll? Pets are the best.
  20. Support Australia and drive Holdens! Wait.. I mean....
  21. Brutas and Tyson are English Staffys and Kia is an American one.
  22. Took my dog to the beach last night, good times. Post pics of your pets! Brutas (brindle) Tyson (Fat staffy) Kia (red nose)
  23. Ah that sucks, car is looking real sweet tho
  24. Yeah I'm going to that for bleeding through and in trenches
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