A few people have expressed interest in helping with the filming for the track day on the 24th wether it be with donating stuff for us to use on the day to the actual filming.
I need to know a list of what we have available so i can figure out the best way to organise all this.
I will be bringing 2 cameras... one will be perminantly mounted in roys car on the mount he has and the other will be mounted either on the sideline or in someone elses car as someone else said they had a headrest camera mount.
So if you have camera mounts, tripods etc or want to help out with the filming from the sidelines please let me know in this thread as the other is too long now.
Also on one section of the day passengers are allowed so i wouldnt mind (with the permission of the drivers) everyone with cameras to go in the cars and film from the passenger seat.
This will all be going towards an SAU DVD which i want to put together in the near future once we have enough footage.
I wouldnt mind people bringing their cameras on the cruise this sunday too to take footage to add to the collection... so take as mmuch footage as possible and copy it uncompressed onto something for me if u please.