Theyre 3"
The use term in a race etc. is to 2009.
* Observe here! 送料+しても、国内最安値!
Even if it mailing-cost + Carries out, it is a domestic maximum low price!
* Name of article サベルトTOP-FOMULABオール3インチパッド付 右用 青
With a SABERUTO TOP-FOMULAB all 3 inch pad For the rights Blue
* Feature 2004年モデル正規輸入品。4ドア車からMR2などの2シータ-まで調整幅が大きい為取付けが容易。FIA公認で公式戦にも使用できます。
2004 model regular import. Since even 2 Sita, such as MR2, has large adjustment width from 4 door vehicles, attachment is easy. It can be used also for a regular-season game by FIA official recognition.
* Domestic reference price 22000円位
22000 yen grade
* bakebake selling price 17400円
17400 yen
* Option sale 1 サポートベルトV型(6点式) 4000円
Support belt V type (six-point formula) 4000 yen
* Option sale 2 サポートベルトI型(5点式) 3500円
Support belt I type (five-point formula) 3500 yen
* Option sale 3 ベルトキャッチステー(取付けが容易になります) 1050円
Belt catch SUTE (attachment becomes easy) 1050 yen
* Option purchase 購入ご希望の方は落札後、ご連絡下さい。
Those who wish [ purchase ] need to inform after a successful bid.
* The transfer total payment frame 17400円 + 送料
17400 yen + Mailing cost
* The cost 引 (525 yen) total payment frame 17925円 + 送料
17925 yen + Mailing cost
Mailing cost
The central part, Hokuriku, Kinki 900円
900 yen
関東、信越、 中国、四国
Kanto, Shin-etsu China, Shikoku 1000円
1000 yen
A northeast, Kyushu 1100円
1100 yen
Hokkaido, Okinawa 1400円
1400 yen
About a mailing cost and payment
Total ♪ payment amount 落札金額+送料
Successful bid amount-of-money + mailing cost
♪, others ノークレーム・ノーリターンにてお願いします。
I need your help by the no claim no return.
♪マイブース。私の現在出品している他の商品は こちらをご覧ください。
♪ my booth. Other goods which have sent now [ of me ] Here Please have a look.