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Everything posted by inark

  1. inark

    Sau's What The?

    haha there wasnt even that... mind u... we were very very blind and it was 4am.
  2. inark

    Sau's What The?

    I cant find the pic... i went to tassie for a mates wedding and the night before we were roaming around launceston drunk as after getting kicked out of a bar and found a sign in the middle of a concreted area saying "Keep off the grass" we were confused...
  3. HAHAHA ur both sick... and yes danny of course im up for some tag team action... does your sister have to be there tho u hunk a man love u?
  4. ahahahaha danny u funny kent... say hi to ya sister for me
  5. haha i love those territory ads... even the ones in the mags... funny as. oh yeah the topic... what a tool... tut tut n all that.
  6. lol that about sums it up.
  7. see your point... i dont read it that way though and i know a number of people with no idea of what that car is will think its the prototype by the way its written. theres no reference anywhere in that writeup that even suggests that it is a test mule even though we know that it is based on the fact its obviously a G35 infiniti. So if their aim is to create a misleading article then they have done a good job.
  8. BUT if you did know the driver... ie. another member had reported the number plate of the driver then it is ur business? not trying to carry on... just a few unclear things.
  9. I think there should be a clause somewhere where Ash is let lose from his chains and has free rain on your body if caught... tell me that wouldnt be enough to put anyone off for life... infact... i think we should get TAC involved in creating an Ad for drink driving, hoonish behaviour and speeding... bring our road toll down
  10. If Glacius still has my car then its a Late 93 from memory... or late 92... one of them.
  11. and its out of context how? they say the pic is the latest spy shots of the prototype... which it isnt as u can see. Perhaps they should learn to write more accurately.
  12. he has hammer toe... you can get plastic sleeves to help with that.... i seen em in one of those home ideas catalogues
  13. it all makes sense now
  14. So if someone is a repeat offender and is caught acting a fool on public roads with their SAU stickers for all to see... nothing really is going to happen and they can continue to tarnish the name of the club? Obviously this would more then likely never happen... but if it does? Not even so much as letting ash run rampant on their bottom or something less life destroying?
  15. koenigsegg.... Id rather have a McLaren F1 GTR racespec. 6miles to the galon of V12 fury with the ultimate driving position
  16. Hey Bro... u still got my old car or another one? i remember u were selling it not so long ago. if u want the blue tint ones u can get em at any repco or autobarn.... if they say they dont theyre f*kheads and have no clue. So take the globe to Bursons and ask them... they'll match it and give you the options. The ones you want are about $36 last time i checked and yeah just get 55/60w not 100s...
  17. Anyone seen this writeup in motor magazine on the new GTR lol... its a pic of a G35 infiniti with a kit thats probably been used as the test car for the running gear of the GTR and i quote
  18. You are fritter arent u?
  19. lol are u for real? whats that got to do with Jesus and the wholy grail? when was the last time u seen a chick in a FWD Hyundai attempt a 180kmh drift cause she found out in a course how to handle her car in defensive conditions? i think ur almost as delussional as the fritter
  20. Sorry but the ol "well others do it so lets not get too uppity" excuse doesnt cut it. It doesnt matter what others do. Praise Bishnu
  21. i think we're all in agreeance that fritter is a f*kin moron who should be castrated so as not to have the chance to spread his seed and enhance the chances of another generation of his idiocy to be produced. As such lets never speaketh of him again.
  22. ok well i hope you have his plate number and hand it to the committee so that they can revoke his access and membership. i believe this has always been the views of the club and the correct action to take. no second chances...
  23. lol i bet thats the cake hes getting. Happy Birthday mate!!! have a good one.
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