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Everything posted by inark

  1. lol rhett... u have the taste pallet of a lepper hooded seal
  2. in the words on monty... excellent.
  3. i'll meet ya there Denham. its about 10 minutes from my joint
  4. inark

    Gaskets Needed!

    if you need gaskets yesterday... then u need!!!
  5. Happy BDay BIZATCH! Hope you had a good one mate.
  6. awaiting deposit... car should be sold unless someone can beat the price and time. selling with Brand New HD Drift Clutch, Brand New Dump & Front pipe, Brand New Hi Flow Cat for $7200. HD clutch will be installed for that too.
  7. lol tell you what... that thought did cross my mind... but i dont think the recuiting department of the police force would have favoured that on my resume
  8. inark


    wish u posted that in the original post... by the time i got to this one it was too late... i should have cleaned the screen before i licked it. EW! you have to expect that kind of thing from the police though these days and half of them by the sounds of it deserved it. I know when i go to events that im spectating i would always go in an inconspicuous car that doesnt attract attention although now i dont have much of a choice
  9. ok heres a new set of photos... the others were taken down http://home.iprimus.com.au/hoogle/r32/line3.rar if you need the others let me know. Last offer was $6500 with a dump and front pipe thrown in and the clutch as is. No deposit has been received though (but its hopefully going this weekend or next) so its still up for grabs. For 7k I can supply a brand new HD drift clutch
  10. so.... NO KKs FOR YOU!!! 2 Weeks.
  11. Hey Steve! Long time no hear! Yeah i think ur right... especially seeing as the one we brought was only half renovated (and thus cheaper then the other houses on the street) so its going to be tough. Will definately have to meet up for a drink or dinner or something. Take it easy!
  12. lol im with denham on that one... theres been countless discussion on the fact we're finally getting KKs!! (not to be confused with the KKK) i ate half a box of them last night... omg their so tasty... so light and fluffy unlike the doughy ones from all the other joints (yes doughy! i know thats what theyre made of... but still! )
  13. i went for 10
  14. haha yeah i needed to get it off my chest... as final release if you will to expell all the stress went down and inspected it on saturday... going again this saturday to re-point the roof and clear out the gutters and once thats all fixed up begin on finishing the kitchen, bathroom and painting the inside. at least now i dont have a decent car i have something i can focus my efforts on the weekends mmmmmmmmmmm Krispy Kreme... have a box at home we got yesterday from the dandy factory... yummo
  15. thanks guys.. looking forward to moving in and getting to work on it.
  16. click free and wait for the download to countdown... how hard is that? who pays?
  17. thanks dude.. its on the shopping centre side about a 5 minute walk from it. Its off daniel solander dr
  18. Well... as some of you will know, Josie and I have been looking at buying a house. About 3 months ago we found one we liked in Endeavour Hills which was in a very good neighbourhood and half renovated and as such cheap for that part of endeavour hills. We decided this was the one for us and went about initiating the steps to buy the house... Josies dad was going to guarantor and everything was looking hunky dori... the loan was taking a while and ended up going outside our contracted 2 week cooling off period which left us in a slight pickle... as it was taking so long the vendor was getting antsy about the whole deal and wanted to call it off as we had only put down a holding deposit so we gave her a sizable deposit in the meantime til the loans were approved. 2 weeks later our loans were approved and we had signed the papers, now all we were waiting for was Josies old man to sign the papers... well... wasn't that a problem and a half... it seemed he wasnt familiar with what it exactly meant and after reading some of the clauses in the papers (ie. power of attorney to the bank, having to check with the bank before doing anything to his house etc etc) that made his stubborn old school italian bones decline to sign.... once again... this left us in a pickle. We now stood to lose over $25k on this deal as the settlement date was about 2 weeks away... to get a loan approved and settled in that time is generally an impossibility but we saught legal and financial advice from a family friend... which i wont go into but say that he managed to get an extention on the time but ended up making our position WORSE... after 3 weeks of stuffing around with him and having him make things worse my mum stepped in and said she would lend us an extra $25k and thus we wouldnt need a guarantor and could get a loan for less then 90%. This took another week and ended up falling through because the loan was refused on the basis of the previous issues that the financial advisor caused... at this point with just over a week to go we gave up and basically prepared ourselfs for the loss of $25k + having to pay her fees and costs. What made it worse was the fact that last week was easter and thus we lost 2 working days. Last wednesday we had a call from one of Josies friends who said her friend who she had been talking to through this whole process about what was happening to us called and said she could help. She was very high up the food chain at the CBA and would approve our loan application on the spot for 95% and would be able to put in a good word with the insurance companies to get it done... she would have it done within a day. 6 hours later we had a loan approved and ready for signing on the thursday last week... we were assured that it would be ready for settlement Tuesday (this week)... we signed the papers on Thursday and yesterday (settlement got pushed back a day) the whole ordeal was over and settled. Dam that was a long post... i think half my head hair is grey after all this but its only just sinking in what we had pulled off. GO THE CBA!!!
  19. Happy 44th Clarkey! Hope you had a good one. Dam... u's old
  20. http://www.justjap.com/parts_nexhaust2.htm notice the price of $190 + delivery so if i get desperate to sell it i'll let you know... EDIT: however after being sent a different link its been adjusted accordingly
  21. i'll take some when i get home... but its just like every other apexi panel filter for nissans which should fit also the R33 i believe... possibly the R34... i bought it off nengun about 6 months ago and never used it as theres an apexi pod on the R32 already.
  22. split dump has less resistance from memory and thus better flow. Well that was my understanding.
  23. have to agree... like most cars... a nice set of rims and lowered suspension makes a HUGE difference the the appearance of a car.
  24. There is now Sorry... I had something there the first time i posted it but lost the whole post before i got to post it so copied what i put in the ebay auction (yeah its on ebay as we speak )
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