Well... as some of you will know, Josie and I have been looking at buying a house. About 3 months ago we found one we liked in Endeavour Hills which was in a very good neighbourhood and half renovated and as such cheap for that part of endeavour hills.
We decided this was the one for us and went about initiating the steps to buy the house... Josies dad was going to guarantor and everything was looking hunky dori... the loan was taking a while and ended up going outside our contracted 2 week cooling off period which left us in a slight pickle... as it was taking so long the vendor was getting antsy about the whole deal and wanted to call it off as we had only put down a holding deposit so we gave her a sizable deposit in the meantime til the loans were approved.
2 weeks later our loans were approved and we had signed the papers, now all we were waiting for was Josies old man to sign the papers... well... wasn't that a problem and a half... it seemed he wasnt familiar with what it exactly meant and after reading some of the clauses in the papers (ie. power of attorney to the bank, having to check with the bank before doing anything to his house etc etc) that made his stubborn old school italian bones decline to sign.... once again... this left us in a pickle.
We now stood to lose over $25k on this deal as the settlement date was about 2 weeks away... to get a loan approved and settled in that time is generally an impossibility but we saught legal and financial advice from a family friend... which i wont go into but say that he managed to get an extention on the time but ended up making our position WORSE... after 3 weeks of stuffing around with him and having him make things worse my mum stepped in and said she would lend us an extra $25k and thus we wouldnt need a guarantor and could get a loan for less then 90%.
This took another week and ended up falling through because the loan was refused on the basis of the previous issues that the financial advisor caused... at this point with just over a week to go we gave up and basically prepared ourselfs for the loss of $25k + having to pay her fees and costs. What made it worse was the fact that last week was easter and thus we lost 2 working days.
Last wednesday we had a call from one of Josies friends who said her friend who she had been talking to through this whole process about what was happening to us called and said she could help. She was very high up the food chain at the CBA and would approve our loan application on the spot for 95% and would be able to put in a good word with the insurance companies to get it done... she would have it done within a day.
6 hours later we had a loan approved and ready for signing on the thursday last week... we were assured that it would be ready for settlement Tuesday (this week)... we signed the papers on Thursday and yesterday (settlement got pushed back a day) the whole ordeal was over and settled.
Dam that was a long post... i think half my head hair is grey after all this but its only just sinking in what we had pulled off. GO THE CBA!!!