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Everything posted by inark

  1. thats what i was trying!
  2. lol ahs... sounds like arse
  3. yeah good work ahs
  4. anything made for australia will be detuned for our fuel... so the locally delivered ones u would have to assume were the same. but yeah perhaps something to include when you ask em.
  5. havent got the actual radios yet... only ones i ordered to see what they were like... theyre pretty good. the guy i was arranging them off hasnt replied so im approaching someone else.
  6. nice one ash... however does this include japanese imported vehicles? for all we know the japanese fuel already contains ethanol?
  7. ok i might be wrong... might have been trying to stick the charger in the wrong plug hole lol i just checked the site again and it says theyre the right one... haha will check mine again tonight
  8. ok... slight problem.... i ordered the wrong bloody chargers... lol so i have 12 chargers for some other bloody CB radio.... so i will email him and send them back today and see if we can swap em for the right ones
  9. will u care or even have ur car in 5-15 years?
  10. yes sorry... i take that back and apologize... VG30s have a steel wheel which is why most people upgrade to em... unlike the ceramic RB20/25 Turbos.
  11. aye? wtf would i be under mod review for... i keep my spam in the wasteland. but yeah... stop spamming this thread. Monkey can you clean out all the crap
  12. no emre... ALL manufacturers have given the same statement. And it isnt anything new. They have been "recommending" that ethanol fuels be used at your own risk for years. and fair enough because in SOME cases there have been issues caused by higher percentages of ethanol being used. Also as you or someone else stated the cars after 04 have been tuned to run on ethanol... its nothing to with the fact that the engine has been redesigned to cope with it... i hardly think they would redesign the entire engine just because of people MAYBE using ethanol fuels. Its MORE likely that all they are doing is incorporating it into their maps in the ECU, something the pre 04s more then likely dont have. Obviously if you want to use it... simply tune your engine for it... ive been using 10% blend on the magna for months at a huge saving over normal petrol and had no issues whatsoever. So far done 5000ks on it... will do another 50k and im sure will have a similar report... no issues. At the end of the day you dont have to use it...
  13. inark

    Lamb Or Chicken

    theres no way i'll waste a good lamb kebab with any of this fairy chilli or bbq sauce caper...
  14. inark

    Lamb Or Chicken

    Hacis kebabs was the absolute SHIT! shops never compare to those dodgey little caravans. even the one that was on south road moorabbin was king! Tripple meat... buckets of sauce... if u arent on the toilet for half a day the next day and your breath and body dont emit garlic stench for a week they aint making it right!
  15. inark

    Lamb Or Chicken

    criminal... life term no parole
  16. inark

    Lamb Or Chicken

    hahaha metrosexual kebabs... chicken is also included in metrosexual kebab category even tho it is made from pork and sparrow. Sam Kekovic says "EAT LAMB BITCHES!"
  17. nope they dont use vicroads cause its got nothing to do with them. i put my last 32 down for 7k paid stuff all duty... insured full comp for 15k agreed value. this one i bought for 4k so i will put 5500 down for its value lol
  18. inark

    Lamb Or Chicken

    ur all gay... sif its chicken anyway.. they use minced up and bleached f*kin sparrow and pork with chickenn flavouring.
  19. emails received... waiting on the rest of them to email me.
  20. inark

    Lamb Or Chicken

    its unaustralian biatches! LAMB! http://www.mla.com.au/NR/rdonlyres/46EBC01...vich_90_sec.wmv
  21. inark

    Lamb Or Chicken

    LAMB u fools!!! LAMB!!! geesus... whered i put that bloody patriotic lamb ad... call urself aussies!! f*k chicken in a kebab... lamb kebab with tripple meat and quadruple garlic sauce x2 thanks no such thing as a "Lamb Flu"
  22. ok... silva33 you might be ok. EVERYONE listed please email me [email protected] Give me these details in the email: First name: Last name: Forum Name: Address: Contact Number: Pickup or Postage: Im creating a XLS so i know who got what and if they want it shipped or pick it up from a meeting/my joint. I'll send out a mass email confirming the details and costs etc.
  23. if anything it should be the same as 98 or cheaper because of the ethanol.
  24. what the hell are u on about? as merlin and a few others have already said.. stock R32, R33 and R34 turbos are ALL ceramic NOT ball bearing. wtfs a ceramic ball bearing turbo? why do you think the most common upgrade is TO a BB turbo like the VG30?
  25. unfortunately it is... but if you find someone else you can go halves in a pair on ebay from the same shop... wont be quite as cheap but not far off.... should be able to pick a pair up for 90 delivered or less.
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