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99 GTT

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    335I M-Sport DCT
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  1. Strange.. unless it is because the sever has Pro con start up file? Mine never disconnects only if i do a server reset. I just had a look at pro con it does have some functions that BF3CC does not but it seams like a bit more work to setup server map wise at least.
  2. That depends on what type of game youwant to play. BF3 is more team based with bigger maps and morevehicles and MW3 is more of a run and gun type game. Sort oflike Counter Strike but war based. I like the team based type wargames and more realistic game experience so I will always play BF3just like from the start..
  3. Have not used the new version of pro con so let me know what you think if you end up using BF3CC. I have had bo problems with it yet.
  4. R31Nismoid do you use BF3CC to work with server? It makes it a whole lot easier to do things on the fly and change maps etc. We dont kick people unless they use a hack and so far so good only had two people who were shotting people out off tanks with guns.. Madaz ---- Thanks for the comments mate more so designed for reporting problems etc and for people to ask for different maps and modes. Stuff like that... Just need people to join haha but all good. Server was full last night again i hope this keeps up would like it to be like yours mate. But then people love Metro :-) Will have to watch this spot for next game night and play with some fellow SAU members.
  5. Hey guys just a heads up i have set up a server now for Battlefield 3 as it seams that a lot of the serves never have Admin on and that is when your game gets stuffed by some low life who hacks. So I set this server up and have a number of admins who are online most of the time and a number of known hackers have been added to our ban list to keep it fun and fair for all. So the Server is "Xtreme Warfare (Fast Vehicle Spawn)(375 Tickets) 1 Player Start" and if you are unluck and no admin is on please let me know on the website www.xtremegamersaustralia.webs.com/ Maybe we could even do SAU nights on server with Password only login. We will see hey. R31Nismoid let me know if i am out of line posting this here - - - - P.s. If you play a bit and like server maybe you would want to be Admin too :-) Well come and have a look at site and server all.. Thanks...
  6. I know you want Sydney but i doubt you will find one so this would be your best option. http://www.importmonster.com.au/view?url=http://page18.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/w66707770&thumb=http://f2.auctions.c.yimg.jp/img227.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/users/3/6/8/9/hydcg004-thumb-131684399310255.jpg&title=BNR34 GTR Or get a R34 GTT wheel localy or import and put the GTR Air Bag in it as they are the same wheel just different stiching on some. http://www.importmonster.com.au/view?url=http://page7.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/g79674887&thumb=http://f0.auctions.c.yimg.jp/img147.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/users/0/6/0/5/hanswerneraufrecht-thumb-124386741312607.jpg&title=GTR GT R GT R http://www.importmonster.com.au/view?url=http://page17.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/v222595329&thumb=http://f0.auctions.c.yimg.jp/f38batchimg.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/users/9/3/0/8/csootomo-thumb-1320215754723121.jpg&title=ER34 GT T
  7. Funny you should both say this. Today i dropped into the tuner shop and booked in for friday morning power run to see what sort of power i am getting. Got to talking about some work the have done on the N54 models and the want to look at the current map and see if they can play with it and possible headers makes a huge improvement. Was just going to leave it as is but maybe just a little more work. Headers shouldn't void anything. Tried to post a sound file but it wont let me
  8. True it is a high reving V8 and not to heavy so has a lot going for it. Wekk what about the new TTV8 from the M5? Mind you huge power is not everything i guess as it comes down to the overall package. End of the day the N55 is a great engine for a 3L 6 Turbo, seems strong and has good history. I am sure if they had used it in the E92 with some more tuning it would be a wepon as i now have more torque then a stock M3 so it just needs top end work.
  9. Enhanced durability when under heavy stress and less heat soak from what i can determine. They do offer the tune only without the bolt on parts so I guess it is purely if you do track work, mountain roads etc that put the car under a constant heavy load. Exhaust burble sound during engine overrun conditions more noticeable after tune. Very interested in the new M3 now i must say as they will possibly be a Turbo again....
  10. No it is a retune (more boost andmapping change) Additional water cooler, air vents and largerventilator fan to keep things cool. This is about the limit for factory warranty backed tuning.Heaps of options to get mega power and torque but hey 250kw @ 5500rpmand 450+ nm @ 1200 to 5000rpm is heaps when mated with the DCT. NotGTR power but the suspension, tyres, DCT, ect make the car handle andperform awesome on twist mountain roads and power is always there. By the way it would be hard to touch exhaust as it has such a great note under throttle with a nice burble when reved, but then quite if not in sports mode. Check back tomorrow I will try and record the sound and post it here for opinions. Just hope I will still allowed to come on cruise days.. ?
  11. Yes I guess some people have a problem with European cars (thinking drivers are rich or snobs) but I guess its no worse then when I owned the GTT and every other person thinks your a hoon even though your driving better then half the people on the road. (Wouldn't stop me from buying another Skyline or a GTR.) I suppose lucky for me I drive a fair bit for a living so don't speed ( to many hidden cameras and D cars) or though sometimes you have to watch these highway on ramps. lol I would post in or join a BMW forum if there was a good one but in saying that i was just showing everyone what we got and still have a great love for the Skylines and GTR so Member for life i guess. Thanks for the comments.
  12. Ok so I finally got a chance to take some pictures when out for a drive. The BMW Performance Package has made a huge noticeable difference to response and turbo sound. Not a real good idea to turn off all the assists now. Launch is brutal now and easy 4 second times to 100km/h Anyway still loving the drive, sound (oww that rumble sound) and comfort for the long drives we do. The looks, never get sick of the lines and the rims (aghh hot rims) Very happy till the 2012 GTR turns up Those interested enjoy..
  13. Greddy Turbo timers also have a cable to connect to your speed sensor so it measures your speed, Quarter mile, 0 to 100km/h and also if the car is moving without the key. You know hills and 100km/h you only need to let the car idle for around 1 minute. It realy is easier to just wait. Had one in our GTT just for the 0 to 100 timer and speed warning. Also Turbo timer or not it is illegal to leave a car running without someone present or in close proximity to the vehicle. Just as it is illegal to leave a vehicle unlocked and unattended (e.g. paying for fuel)
  14. Well the car is at BMW as i type this getting her self a little bit of a power boost already. They are fitting the BMW Performance Engine Package Can't wait till Monday when she comes home with a minimum of 450nm at 1200 rpm and 250kw... For thoes interested will post some better Pictures and driver experiance on Tuesday
  15. No not me. We do Hospitals, laboratory Buildings, Civil water and sewer pump stations, Shopping Centers etc. We don't do land developments or houses. Only the big stuff
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