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99 GTT

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Everything posted by 99 GTT

  1. Yahoo Auctions is your best bet.. and no they are not cheap, but cheaper then a new one from Nissan (around $4000) They also pop up here sometimes just got to keep your eyes out for them.. Garland (GMAN) had one fo a steal ($1000) a couple weeks ago and it just sat there for weeks.. Gone now of course... Good luck..
  2. Still up for sale, have had a few very interested parties in the last week, so maybe not for much longer.. Still $22000 NEG for SAU Members.
  3. Thanks Alice for that nice comment.. P.s. Welcome to SAU
  4. Took the car for a short drive this morning. Felt bad seeing her just sit there all the time. Thought we would take a couple new pics while the suns out.. Enjoy... Price Still: $22000 Neg for SAU Members.
  5. I Can't beleive this MFD is still for sale... I have had so many people ask me to separate mine and i have sent them to this link but u still have no sale.. Really good price to mate, a lot less then it is worh and i would charge... GTR wheels good deal too.. Good luck with sale..
  6. $22,000 Negotiable for SAU Members.... Car needs to be sold as it is not a daily driver and we just do not have time to drive it at the moment. Thanks
  7. Now advertised on Trading Post... LINK TO ADD
  8. UMm 100% buy the NA you only have two years left don't risk it you WILL get caught.. A NA R34 is chaep and with a couple stelth like mods go great just ask the NA owners on the forums and they look good, or a NA 180sx or silvia also good cars... Look into a NA supra also. The police are not stupid and it will cost you too much in the long run if you get caught... Be Safe Mate
  9. A car is worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it... So yea if ur not in a hurry set a fair price and wait for the right buyer.. Skylines are getting cheaper but this does not mean they are worth as little as some are sold for, these people need the money.. I see R34's for $20000 and less but they are buckets or massive kms or desperate owners, look at the car yards and make it a little cheaper if its to cheap people will probley think there is a problem with it.. Just my thoughts.
  10. Well to be honest yes work 32bit only.. You need 2Gb at least for 64bit but would't bother unless you have at least 4GB. Windows 7 will work alot better then vista.. but ram is not the only thing you need to worry about... So your best chance is to go to the following link and run Windows upgrade advisor to see what it says.. Keep in mind that Windows 7 is Faster then Vista by a long shot and Windows XP by enough to be inpressive... May be worth getting another stick of ram anyhow better performance and like R31Nismoid said it is cheap... Let me know what type of laptop and i can tell you if you can or can't upgrade ram the type and price if you want.. WINDOWS UPGRADE CHECK
  11. Fair enough hey just be carefull there has been a few people caught out thats all... have a look through the Importing section of the forum may help... Link Good Luck Mate..
  12. First welcome.... You can use lowerd springs but this is not realy a good idea due to the age of the shocks in the car that have got used to being at that ride height since new. So the best option is to fit a good quality Coilover set for a nice ride and hadeling e.g. Tein (Price is a hard one you would need to call around id say about $2000.) I think in my opinion about 25mm/1 inch above the tyre is a good height and it wont get u defected either as long as the lowest part of the vehicle is no lower the 100mm when loaded... Good luck and again welcome.
  13. Bottom line you get what you pay for.... Now is it cheap because its been flogged or in a accident... You are not allowed to import a car for road use if there is any accident history and the person telling you may not tell you this. has the speedo been changed and the list goes on. All i can say is be carefull, there are heaps of R34 GTR's and GTT's cheap in japan and some even here but some times you need to question the conditon of the car, this goes for the r33 and r31 aswell.. If you won't low kms with log books good paint and interior then you pay for it... My two cents... p.s. Try about 2 to 3 grand for shipping 2 to 3 grand for compliance and thats only if there is nothing wrong.
  14. Yea Bruce from Express Tinting is the best. Have had multiple cars tinted there and never one problem or broken door panels etc and the more i get done the cheaper it gets. Am just about to get the house done too... They also sell the 3m tint which i recommend and always use and all the tinting as a liftime warrenty if you own the car from memory.. The used to me on Moss street but they moved to: 5/47 Compton Rd UNDERWOOD 4119 Phone: (07) 3808 8655
  15. Yes but only if you are running atleast 4 GB of ram and your cpu is not more then a couple of years old etc.. It is especially good if you wan to run multiple programs at one time.. 64bit is great but as you will see not everything will be comptible with it just yet as most things are optimized for 32 bit at the moment.. I Did a quick search and these two links will give you a good question to answer run down. Pros and cons of 64Bit FAQ 32bit and 64Bit Hope that helps.
  16. Why bother putting on a pod just to make a box that you already had with the panel filter? If you do a search you will find there is stuff all if any difference except, 1) Panal filters are LEGAL!!! (and yes i know that if a pod is secured properly it is too, but tell officer Plod that when he is looking under ur bonnet.. lol) 2) Stock Look and still make the same power. It comes down to what you like but if you realy want something different the stock you would be better of putting in a ARC air box... But everyone to there own that is what makes us all different.. p.s. You can still here the wastegate just as well with a panel filter fitted especially with a Twin Dump pipe fitted... (not that i need to impress the ladies when the wife is next to me lol)
  17. Bahhh used Mac they suck and not compatible with so much stuff (e.g. Games like NFS). Anyway back on subject i have also been using the 7 RC for a long time now and even though it had a few problems at first but with the updates it has improved beyond XP and lightyears infront of Vista!!!! I have 7 installed with partitions on my ASUS Gaming laptop(using now) and dual boot on my Main Games machine and it runs faster then XP on both. I even installed it on a older machine that under XP would not run Test Drive Unlimated over medium settings smothly but with 7 it runs on high with out a problem. and i am yest to find a program or game that does't work Even BF2 works great and we all knowhow it feelt about Vista... Not to mention the XP Mode that they have included with Ultimate>> Just wondering what Ram u are running to with 64Bit you need atleast 4GB to take advantage if its memory managment and yes somehings at first will not have drivers yet thats how it is with 64Bit operating systems in the past. But in saying that i have not had a problem yet but i put 32bit back on laptop due to only 4gb of ram so no need to go to 64bit unlike desktop that has more. Just my two cents...
  18. K&N filters mate would be my pick, looks good and gets great performance with stock look. Link (Click ME)
  19. As my Signature says I am happy to arrange transport...
  20. no offence femno but umm i do own a r34 and did have this problem and they are the dash lights that come on when there is a ignition problem as most R34 owners would know.. Probley should check up before you comment..
  21. Probley better of taking it to a good name tuning shop for service because they will have diagnostics for these sort of things. Any way could be wrong heat range / fowled plugs but i would say Very GOOD chance that the coil packs are gone.. Nice new set of splitfire coils (one of the best).. This is a very common problem for the R34 Skylines mate. Good luck hey..
  22. Price droped on Car Sales to $24000 This will probably be the lowest we will advertise on Car Sales as the car is worth at least this.
  23. There is quite a few companies that will insure imports most just won't you to be over 25... e.g. Shannons(Best i have found), Suncorp, Unique car insuramce, Prestige insurance and the list goes on. But like the guys have been saying it will come down to driving history, location, garage or not, etc Is this for QLD/NSW? I know in QLD P Platers can not drive a car over 200KW and there is restrictions of some kind from the RTA aswell...
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