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    Auckland, NZ

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    R33 GTS25t SII M-Spec
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  1. What size do we order for the transmission drain plug? Cheers
  2. any luck with this? i am looking to do the same, which means plans have been on hold till i find out if it fits. have you tried positioning it in the engine bay yet? what kind of clearances are you getting (if any?). any guidance would be much appreciated. cheers, Daniel
  3. Any luck? I am waiting with eager anticipation
  4. Would be much appreciated if you could fit up the old mounts Wizard, i am wanting to keep it low mount and this will determine whether i can go for an hx35, if it requires modification i'll probably go for something different. cheers!
  5. thanks works, yeah i have read his thread, my concern is the different size of engine bays and block heights, i have been told by others that i will need to cut into the subframe or engine mounts which i don't really want to do. was hoping there was someone who has tried to fit one already. anyone?
  6. Thanks Crack, the HX35 flange is already T3 divided, but a spacer will be needed if using stock manfold. can anyone tell me if it will fit in a stock low mount position on an R33 GTS25t?
  7. I am after the same info -is it possible to low mount an hx35 on the stock manifold in an r33 gtst? looks like it will be a tight fit, want to know if anyone has tried before i have it shipped...
  8. Hi Anthony, looks like you are in for a great build. It looks like you have everything sorted, the GT3076r with 0.82 rear is generally considered the best street setup on this forum. Dump looks great. I hate to say it and only will as the rest of your setup looks excellent, you are doing yourself a bit of a disservice with that manifold. the laminar flow will be interrupted with the adaptor plate which is pretty weak considering you have gone to the effort of a port and polish. do your setup justice and get a manifold that has a T3 flange (pref not split pulse design). are you running nistune with an R32 ECU? tell us a bit more about the rest of your setup, looks like its going to be awesome.
  9. would you consider shipping to nz? regards, Daniel
  10. sorry, yes i misinterpreted tony, i thought he was talking about the cold side, just realised he was referring to the fact that stainless is not magnetic. anyone know how i can determine if the exhaust wheel is stainless or ceramic? regards, Daniel
  11. hmmm, maybe i need to do some further investigation... what other signs should i be looking for that it has been hiflowed? how can i determine if it is inconel? tony -thought the stock impellors were stainless anyway? cheers
  12. thanks mate! must have blown his stock turbo, seems a bit strange that he would have upgraded the turbo and kept stock dump pipe...
  13. Hey guys, interesting to see the photos comparing the stock and hiflow turbo. i bought my s2 r33 a couple of years ago now, the previous owner had told me the turbo had t3/t4 internals though i didn't really take him seriously as the rest of the car was dead stock. i decided to pull off my dump after reading this thread, you can see what it looks like yourself. the wheel looks like it sits somewhere in size between the stock and the hiflow, so it may well have been upgraded. also, i did get out a mag wand, and the turbine wheel itself does not seem to be steel (only housing attracts the magnet). does this mean i have a ceramic wheel? so is this stock or has it been upgraded? also i see that zilr's turbine housing has 21U and mine has OP6 stamped on them, what do these numbers mean? cheers, Daniel
  14. i'll take the injectors off your hands, pm me your bank details and i'll flick the cash through. cheers, Daniel
  15. Thanks URAS/GotRICE I think because thats what i do, i'm an engineer... I look at better ways to solve a problem, whether it be in terms of performance or cost. i just reckon that i'd prefer to pay less than a quarter for a kit that will prob perform better than go for a brand kit just because it has been done before. Any ideas about the exhuast sizing?
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