Hey guys, interesting to see the photos comparing the stock and hiflow turbo. i bought my s2 r33 a couple of years ago now, the previous owner had told me the turbo had t3/t4 internals though i didn't really take him seriously as the rest of the car was dead stock. i decided to pull off my dump after reading this thread, you can see what it looks like yourself. the wheel looks like it sits somewhere in size between the stock and the hiflow, so it may well have been upgraded. also, i did get out a mag wand, and the turbine wheel itself does not seem to be steel (only housing attracts the magnet). does this mean i have a ceramic wheel? so is this stock or has it been upgraded? also i see that zilr's turbine housing has 21U and mine has OP6 stamped on them, what do these numbers mean?
cheers, Daniel