Yeh im not sure of the legalities up here in QLD. Anywho all i know is that its not alot with track. And when paying some pretty premiums for insurance every 12 months, might as well just keep it legal. I know there is other illegal stuff, but insurance companies seem to pick up on the big stuff quickly and come up with a reason why it contributed to the accident. Offset as you know is clearly visible.
Agreed, Jap rims sell cheap where they are made and money can be made in Aus on them no doubt.
I guess i bought my rims not intending to sell them, so re sale isnt a biggie.
I know tempe etc sell some rims (most) really cheap. But not all rims are from tempe and are as cheap. I know you dont like mine, but they were not what I would consider cheap. Quotes varied but I must agree, I thought they would be cheaper then most places wanted.
I could of gotten some nice volks, rays etc. But chances are being second hand they will have blemishes, scratches, chips etc to a degree. And im pretty anal about detail. So I went brand new to avoid this, and thus far the rims still look absolutely perfect!
Each to their own, and the japs do make some awesome rims
And thread starter, If your going 18s I recommend you look into R34 GTR rims.