Hmm thats a very interesting conversion. Its amazing how many different engines have gone into mx5s over the yrs. I personally would've gone a TT Lexus quad cam. But hey each to thier own
hello all
im looking at moving to NZ and im interested in taking my stag with me. now most will say just sell and buy another, but ive modified just about every part of mine in some fashion so its not really an option. is there anyone on here that can shed some light on importing into NZ for me?? are the rules anything like aus??
any info would br great.
Ive seen this conversion done a few times now and it seems to work well. But i would suggest a stand alone ECU over a nisstune. From the ones ive seen it looks to be easier that way.
i read a few yrs ago about a guy that put his commodore wagon shell on a patrol chassis running a holden 5litre. the whole thing was engineered and registered in NSW. i cant imagine using a r34 shell would make it any harder to engineer. it would be an interesting car to see. maybe to avoid cutting the chassis you could use a 4 door body???
i know its an old thread, but im just curious about a few things. if the manifolds were so far out from fitting, how come you didnt go to high mounts?? do you think the manifold warping was a result of using heat wrap??
its goin to cost ALOT of money for this conversion unless u can do the fab work yourself, but dont get discouraged as the benefits are worth the effort. the simpicity of an NA V8 means alot less stuff to go wrong and so much torque everywhere!
Ive been looking into it for a while darrin. Qld transport said because of the complexity of the modifications that ud need to build 2 of them and crash 1 for safety tests. But there is other ppl that say other wise. What have u found so far??