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Everything posted by Raysboostin

  1. i stumbled across some stuff proboost are selling on ebay. they say on their ebay page "WE HAVE USED AND TESTED THESE AS ALL OUR PRODUCTS TO ENSURE YOU GET BEST PRODUCTS FOR YOUR MONEY ,NO NEED TO SPEN A SMALL FORTUNE ON BIG NAME BRANDS WHEN PROBOOST OFFER A GREAT PRODUCT AND PRICE WITH RESULTS AS SEEN ALL OVER THE CAR MAGAZINES AND CAR FORUMS JUST GOOGLE IT" but, when u do google it just comes up with pages of ppl ragging on their products as being cheap china crap. not a very good way to premote ur business
  2. how come ur not running AWD??
  3. http://www.infrastru...eral/index.aspx this may help or this http://www.infrastructure.gov.au/roads/vehicle_regulation/bulletin/importing_vehicles/general/pdf/VSB10_info_brochure_july_2011.pdf page 17
  4. do you mean the plastic cover or cam covers?? i have a plastic cover
  5. i spotted a silver s2, a green s1? with chrome wheels, and a white r34 front stag all seen on the north side of bris on sat arvo within 10 mins of each other.
  6. damn i usually check that. this forum needs a mega cleanup. if a for sale thread is more than 6 months old it should be deleted. any wonder theres 2000 pages.
  7. not nessessarily. ive seen cars that were broken into just to steal the stereo and very little to no damage done to door locks
  8. i cant believe this thread came up while searching for clutch fans! its hilarious!! so much BS!! best laugh ive had in ages!!! very little fact in here but quite a good laugh!!
  9. just thought id post here instead of starting a new one. my stag has been doing exactly the same as plan failure's car. my fan spins freely when cold. it works normally most the time, but at higher rpm its not disenaging. its definately not over heating. does that mean its stuffed?? also to comment on what NSNPWR said, the r32 fan hub may not fit on a patrol rb30 water pump, but the fan hub from an RB25 neo most definately does. i just tried it on the 30 in my shed and it fits perfectly. so maybe the rb25 neo and patrol fans are the same???
  10. dont put too much faith in torx bolts. anyone can buy a full set of torx tools from supercheap for under $20. granted it does make it harder to steal them, but if they are a pro they will come prepared.dont forget, while your in there shopping. professional car thieves are doing their shopping in the carpark!!!
  11. i have some circlip groove adjustable tiens here, fronts are good but the rears are in pieces and need to be rebuilt. pm me if your interested.
  12. oh well, i guess we just leave organising these cruise events to darrin. there may be more interest later in the year.
  13. pull ur head in smartass, i was making a valid point about a possible scenario. which has nobody has proven otherwise or posted anything to the contrary. its entirely possible that if the front washed out on turn in, that the rear turning away from the corner could turn you off the road/track. maybe not a common situation but possible none the less.
  14. just to be on the safe side take em off when ur not using them. the world is full of thieving scum.
  15. so are these the part numbers i need to quote to nissan, "55725" and "48521X"?? cos i need to replace both parts on mine.
  16. well it seems theres no interest in a cruise except us 3. there is 5 votes, but with a week till the prefered date its looking shakey. every1 musy be busy
  17. well guys i thought id start a new thread for the cruise. i dont think we should settle on a date or cruise route till we take a vote on it. so place ur votes. if you have any suggestions or ideas post em up. for those keen on the 23rd/24th of july get ur votes in fast cos its only 10ish days away!
  18. im sure we can nut out that stuff ourselves. but first we need to settle on a route. so if we are interested in goin over mt mee again i'll go do an inspection run this week and check its intact. then maybe i'll start a new thread to see who's keen.
  19. so is everyone happy with commsman's proposed route?? or would u guys like to hit mt mee again?? or any other suggestions??
  20. im keen for the 23rd if everyones up for it??
  21. its nice to dream. but the cold hard facts are that the sheer cost involved in doing such a conversion, makes it completely pointless unless uve got shitloads of cash just lying around. for the money you would spend getting it to work, you could buy a seriously quick supra and prob have enough change to pay for an extension on ur garage to put it in. if you want a quick stag, work the vq. if you want a fast 2jz powered wagon buy the crown or buy a cheap commodore and put a 2jz in that. its been done before and it works well.
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