yes indeedy you do.. but if you "plant" them past the cop shop on showground like he did last night! BOOOM!!... GAMES OVER!!!!
bye bye new car... am i correct?
Turbo.. Non turbo.. GTR... they're all the same...
Cept some have the Thermo Sensor and some dont..
Thermo sensor is just a screw plug on the bottom right of the radiator... and if it doesnt have it.. it's just a plug
Thanks mate
I have no idea what camber is set..
Tyre wear?
lol i can still go lower.. but i dont want.. just a look silly imho.. and i dont want to go sideways on's annoyin
Hahaha finally bro.. After a lengthy 8 months.. lots of hard work.. got it done bro..
It was crucial the last minute touches we did before it was sent off to Race Solutions for the tune in
Water leaks here and there.. Had mad fun.. wont forget the day we pulled off half the engine just because you
"forgot" to bolt some screws hahaha well done mate.. look forward to cruising with ya..
here are some pictures guys: