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Everything posted by NZM.031

  1. yeh but how many skylines have you seen that can tow a trailer with dirt bikes, have a kayak on the roof, mountain bikes in the back, and still be awesome to drive?? me and my gf threw our mountain bikes in the back, strapped it down the putty, went for a ride along a trail, and strapped it back home again. its all about horses for courses.. this isnt a thread disputing which car is better... its which car is better suited to his needs and requirements at the present time in his life.. i sold my wrx to buy an auto vs v8 statesman.. because i wanted to drive a lounge chair at the time... sold it 6 months later.
  2. i know which person you are talking about... im going to stay out of this one.
  3. dodgy injector plug?? no.1 cyl on my rb20 will drop out because the plug is a little loose.
  4. check the turbo hot pipe to the front mount, quite often the corner hose that goes through the guard cuts on the inside and you cant see it.
  5. theres a few simple things you can do to improve the look of your car dude. then you will love it. 1. paint the skirts 2. get a gtr grill 3. find a different front bar 4. take to your headlights with autosol it just needs a tidy up... maybe buy it something new to enhance the performance, get it tuned or something... or drive someone elses flogged out r32 and you'll see how much nicer the 33 is to sit in.
  6. i actually like the big wing..
  7. let me rephrase... i like all gtrs.. i like my 32's... but dislike the interior, i feel cramped etc. i like the 33's but they arent a 32. its not about building a kick ass engine, for that i would have a 32 hands down... its about the whole experience.. which points at a 33 as they are a bit more solid. a nice r32 is still going to have the same instruments and dash as a cheap crap one..
  8. so youve done the work and learnt how your car works.... now learn how the emu works and grab a wideband o2 sensor and tune it yourself.
  9. something that nobody takes into account when comparing cars.. on paper the ls1 should produce the goods... in real traffic light grand prix or on a twisty road.. small engined jap cars walk away.
  10. my mate got some 215/45/17s falken azenis rt215s for his wrx on ebay for $250 a tyre... thats irrelevant to what you want, i know... but food for thought, hes had them on there for over a year now... regularly driven... and in anger... and they are still almost brand new.. that is the best $1000 hes spent on it. i got quoted $330 a tyre for 235/45/17s toyo proxes r888's, which are super grippy semi slick and have a tuff looking tread pattern, which is pretty reasonable. its worthwhile saving more $$ to get better tyres.
  11. im a big fan of ke70's
  12. ive been like that with all my cars.. i bought my 33 gtst... which was a great looking car.. i really liked it, but i wanted a 32... but because of the lack of price difference, the r33 made more sense, i kept it immaculate, but always wanted a 32.. i bought a bugeye wrx, again, same story, lack of price difference made the later model wrx the better option.. but i never liked the look of it. now i have a 32 gtst... which is what i wanted in the first place... its a bit of a daily, and at present doesnt have a garage... it will soon though.. it could be a fantastic car with a little bit of money... but that little bit of money could get me a gtr... which is what ive always wanted since i was a kid.. but again... the lack of price difference between the 32's and 33 gtrs will mean ill probably get a 33 gtr, even though i want a 32 gtr. i hate cars.
  13. yes... for all intensive purposes... heres a comparo. 2004 VY SS series 2, 6 speed, 18" SS wheels SS inductions intake, throttle body, modified afm, pacemaker extractors, hi flow cats, custom twin 3" to single rear muffler.. (was twin 2.5 from front to back originally) chip torque custom tune, dyno reading of 254rwkw. not sure of torque reading, dyno sheet went with car when it sold. 2002 WRX wagon, 5 speed, 17" original wheels. HKS pod + CAI pipe, hitech cat back exhaust, Turbo XS top mount intercooler, ECUtek Retune, 19psi through standard turbo using TurboXS bleed valve.. dynoed at 150awkw, king springs, falken st115 tyres seat of the pants and happy thoughts is all i go on, dyno graphs mean shit to me.. and the rex had it all over the ute. it would put you back in your seat like mike tyson... believe me, lots of people ask the same question as you... and when i tell them my thoughts and experiences the common response is "your ss must have had something wrong with it"
  14. wow... lots of rex haters on here.. i have a good mate with a tidy my99, has falken semi slicks, vf30 turbo, buddy club coilovers, hks exhaust, and front mount.. it tears up the putty rd, cruises through traffic, and sits comfortably on the freeway.. the engine doesnt make noises, it starts everytime, aircon and everything works.. its a really nice car to drive, and great to give it a thrash.. with the semi slicks under steer is non existent if you know how to drive it... brake hard and sharp, turn, punch it out.. and whoever said the ej20 doesnt have any torque... are you serious?? thats what wrx's are reknowned for.. and 18psi through a vf30 certainly has torque. ive owned a really tidy my02 wagon, i wanted just what you want.. it had slight upgrades like springs, tyres, exhaust, bigger cooler, boost and retune.. it felt like a new car, sure, the engine bay wasnt as simple as the rb's but it was only a few years old and had less than 100000kms so i never had to work on it anyway, i hardly ever thought about it.. the interior was nice and tight, the seats were comfy and didnt rattle and werent torn, the controls felt good, the engine sounded good, it had cruise control and all the mod cons. it was a great car and id happily have it back. i bought that after owning a vy ss ute that had 300kw... that thing had no torque and was absolute crap compared to the wrx... nice car though. the my99 gearbox will break if you launch or snap 1st to 2nd... but who does that?? idiots mainly. if you do want to drive it like that, ring ppg, $4000 will get you 1st to 4th straight cut. at the end of the day... evo's are better, but more exy for initial purchase and parts.. you can get a tidy stock my99 for around 15g these days.. id love an evo... but i cant bring myself to own a mitsubishi.
  15. much improved from the before pic mate, but heres a few ideas... lower it, get a gtr grill, paint the mesh black, remove the round indicators and put some slimline ones in the nostrils.. youd be suprised how much better it looks, the gtr grill makes the front look more aggressive and pointy... not so rounded and smooth. and it matches the shape of the front bar. it would be good if you could get some headlights with the black surrounds... theres just too much silver there and nothing to break it up.
  16. keep the beamer... get an ae86 ... build a tough as nails N/A 4age with flat side carbies.. wring its neck when you want to... drive the beamer when you dont. the 4age scream at 9000rpm is intoxicating.. and the amount of concentration required to keep the short snappy chassis in line will make you absolutly buggered after a short spurt on a nice twisty road.. its raw, untamed and unassisted... the way a proper car should be.. it requires feeling and and constant observation of the road, the gauges, and the surroundings, you can feel what the tyres and suspension are doing, hear what the engine is doing, and feel when to shift, when to turn, when to brake, when to power on, when to counter steer, etc.. you do that... not a computer. a tamed lion living in a cage trained to do the same thing every day is no longer a lion and no match for a wild lion living in its natural territory. an immaculate panda trueno will draw just as much attention and respect as an r35 gtr.
  17. i know a few workshops up here that wont touch mere tuning alone... if they have done all the work, and know the quality of parts used and installation then no worries, happy days.. if you do the work, supply the parts etc... they dont want anything to do with purely tuning because they dont know whats gone into it, too many people blame the tuner when really, their incompetence and lack of knowledge is causing boost to escape through a dodgy hose joiner because they installed the intercooler in a hurry.. or they got dodgy injectors and didnt clean them before installing them.. etc... things like that.. then when something goes bang, or starts to breakdown... they blame the tuner and there is no proof of anything, so the customer is always right, and the tuner then has to fix any problems to stay out of court... even though it wasnt his fault.
  18. i thought we established that noone likes to watch head to head racing here already.. rallies are time based, targa is time based, and superlap is time based.. and everyone loves them. head to head has had its day... too many rules and restrictions. and as a spectator... i agree... id rather see a good couple of corners than the whole track with its boring bits... i think e/c would be better because its a bit more manicured and looked after than op, its visually better than op with a better grandstand and view points. op is 3.5 hrs for me anyway... wakey is out of the question unless i stay overnight there and for that... the event needs to be a bit better with the timeboards etc.
  19. you can go up to a 650cc for a single cyl 4 stroke... the lams goes on power to weight ratio... not torque. like in cars.. hp is great for low level flying... but having a bike that wants to rip your arms off at the slightest crack of the throttle is awesome.. and you cant beat a dirt bike in traffic... easier to handle, much better visibilty and can punch into and out of traffic with ease... being able to cut corners on the footpath etc is fun too.
  20. oh man there are so many cars!
  21. yeh i spose i did... im not denying big bikes are fun... they are freakin awesome.. but he is still a learner and its really not worth the risk... i geared my last rs125 low so its top speed was a mere 130km/h... 20km/h more than the legal limit, and 40km more than i was allowed to go on l's... but the acceleration awesome.. and i could pin the throttle without worrying about the front lifting up and smash through the gears and get the feeling of going fast. have you thought about a wr450 with motard wheels?? awesome fun.. i had one with dirt tyres and it was mental enough.. needed a new clutch though.
  22. aprilia rs250... looks like an rs125 (which is lams approved) but is twice as fast.. big bikes arent all they are cracked up to be... ive ridden a few and they are fantastic... but i really love my rs125s... the theatrics make it all worth it. they fly, handle well, look great, and you can thrash it through the gears, redlining each time... and still only just be over the speed limit in 5th.. how many big bikes can you wring the neck out of and still be legal?? considering a mates cbr929 will comfortably do 120 in 2nd gear.. and will lift up anytime you crack the throttle.. sure its powerful but wheres the fun?
  23. there are sooo many cars out there that you can get mate... its not worth it to buy a line a this stage.. a) you will get pulled over and raped.. atmo or turbo, b) you will not be happy with a n/a model... get one later when you can have your turbo. here are some options that id go for.. 1. AE86 or KE70 corolla.. you cant go wrong with an AE86... they are awesome.. the 4AGE engines scream all the way to 9000rpm... they are soo much fun and get respect no matter how much power it makes. the 4AGE will bolt into a ke70 just the same.. not as much street cred but eh.. much cheaper. both weigh under 1000kg and everythings smaller... meaning cheaper. 2. Honda... any honda.. drop in a b series engine, some good suspension and tyres and enjoy the scream 3. Cressida either shape.. much nicer car than an R31.. torquey DOHC 7MGE, bit better than SOHC RB30... with a good ride height and nice offset rims and they look fat... while your driving it, build up a 1JZ ready for your for licence. 4. N/A 300zx.. the VG30DE responds well to mods and isnt a bad car to drive... reliability getting to be an issue though turbos arent the be all and end all... i love naturally aspirated cars.. especially the smaller engines. they are all about the theatrics and sheer fun of driving. older cars that are cheap for parts and simple on workings make a great platform to learn about them.. skylines have waaay to much technical shit to go wrong and you will, in a month or two, hate that you dont have a turbo. cheers Linton
  24. mg's maybe slow cars... but its almost like a social status to be apart of the mg club.. and i saw them a week or 2 ago, doing motorkhana in a parking lot... now if i didnt know any better... id say it was a bunch of hoons racing around witches hats in a carpark... but because it was the mg car club.. its just them going about their business. if that was skylines... then we'd be hoons, doing spinturns, smoking tyres, stopping quickly, accelerating quickly etc. there are idiot drivers in every car.. just jap imports get noticed.. yet the same age european cars are exotics.. haha. i think someone "at the top" as terry put it.. is a mad holden fan, and has never got over the whooping they recieved at bathurst and the fact that since forever ago, the japs have made a much better product than anything thats come from holden. sometimes it gets me down.. sometimes i want to buy another car, so that i dont get judged or put in the same group as the idiots with their white trucker hats to the side, and big white sunnys, big chrome wheels, ghey exhaust and ghey as blow off valve.. but at the same time.. other performance cars in my price range are becoming attainable... evo's now in the low 20s, rexs starting at 15g, so the same thing will happen.. skylines used to be an enthusiasts car, not a ratbag car.
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