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Everything posted by NZM.031

  1. nissan or kudos motorsport and just jap can get nissan stuff, or anyone that sells splitfire coils
  2. hey all.. ive been toying with the idea of actually buying a GTR for a while now... ive always wanted one, but deemed it too expensive, too troublesome or myself too irresponsible to actually own one. im tossing up between an r32 and r33 gtr.. ive found a completly stock r33 gtr, 120000kms, stock exhaust, stock stereo, stock gearknob etc. no wear on steering wheel, knob, leather boots, seats, etc. completly immaculate inside, outside and under the bonnet, all standard components, airbox, bovs etc... all standard... paint on covers and plenum is as good as the exterior paint. its the same price as an R32 gtr + stock (not performance) engine rebuild. i dont want it for monster power, i do want to add some simple bolt on mods though, which the r33 will respond to better than the r32.. i like the subtleness of the interior of the 33 and find its a much roomier place to be than the 32.. and the whole r33 seems to be much better finish quality than the 32, which appeals to me aswell, it still feels new and not dated... ive not been in an r32 that has that same feel. the car will sit in the garage alot... but be used for weekends away, holidays etc, and occasional squirts and maybe a track day here or there.. but the 32 is the original gtr.. well.. apart from the hakosuka. i given that this gtr has not been powered up or modded in anyway... one can only assume its had a fairly easy life.. easier than one thats had some mods anyway.. so the question is... will it break on me driving it home?? thats my biggest worry. and seems to be a common story among gtr's and a cause for a high powered all out rebuild. how many sob storys are there about well looked after r33s?? if it is gonna break.. ill just get an evo 9 cheers Linton
  3. top notch stuff champ.
  4. nice plates.
  5. 222rwkw from an rb20 is pretty good... id be happy with that.
  6. sounds like a throwout bearing... $20 for the bearing, but the gearbox has to come out.. so if your not handy with tools and have an area to work in.. you'll need a mechanic with a hoist to get it out.. changing the bearing takes 2 min with the box out.
  7. does it change when you apply the clutch?? does it change if its in 1st or neutral?? most likely a bearing in that area.. throwout being the most obvious, input shaft being next.
  8. im with him why is it though.... that there are no mg club hoons?? or porsche hoons??
  9. its a messed up bit of pipework if you ask me... i cant follow it. one line goes to the back, one comes from the back, one line goes to the pump, one line goes to the cooler, one line comes from the cooler and goes back to the container. as far as i can tell anyway. you can get an r31 p/s pump and get rid of all of the unwanted lines, without any need for a hose dude. one line coming from the container, one to the rack, one back from the rack.
  10. dirtman, can we a see a pic of your works carpark??
  11. im a fan of the email thing... fax looping is fun too.. or does inter-office sheningans make me an irresponsible, death dealing hoon?? maybe i should lay off the cars and big nights in the garage and hit the pubs and drugs instead.. maybe i should stop driving my pride and joy and get high on ice and beat someone up in front of their family for no reason.
  12. Give it to us raw and w-r-r-riggling; you keep nasty editing
  13. how about live streaming?? that way we can all watch you twirl your spanners.
  14. step 1. go to bank, get $20000 step 2. go to this guys house and pick up car for $9500 step 3. stop by just jap and pick up R33 GTR N1 crate motor for $10000 step 4. swap engines and bits step 5. sell bits of old rb26 step 6. give it a good thrashing your a bit too early for me mate... im planning on doing this in the near future, but not right now. good luck with it.
  15. time to get thing on the cover of hpi now champ... well done
  16. n1 gtr, i faxed the form and paid the moneys on friday 13 march. havent recieved pack yet. back on topic, easy, have it at both... this will give the little cars and the big cars a run.. as i recall... the m sports gtr is a monster and took out the time attack at tsukuba (which is almost dead flat) with a 55.230, it was followed closely by an evo, and 3rd was an rx7.. so i dont think it will be a flat out drag race.. ec has a few mounds, and a few turns. to keep it competitive we may have to break up the cars a little more.. turboed 4wds, turboed 2wds, na's and what not... but thats only for winning. as far as spectators, ec is much better
  17. its a simple procedure champ... 1. back the cable off at the handbrake lever a little bit, this is so you can adjust the back with no tension on the cable. 2. remove rear wheels, remove plugs in discs (in the same circle as the wheel studs) 3. move hole in disc to bottom, look in with torch and find gear 4. adjust gear with a screw driver by clicking up or down. 5. lock up both hubs so you cant move them by hand 6. back off gear until hubs just start to move, then back off another 2 clicks, should be about 3-5 clicks all up 7. put wheels back on, discs are done, handbrake is set at the back. 8. adjust cable at lever so there is 2-3 clicks before lever actually engages. all done. the adjustment at the back is to make up for shoe wear, the adjustment at the lever is to make up for cable stretch. cheers Linton
  18. speaking of members only, why havent i got a little blue thing in my profile saying nsw club member yet??
  19. gday mate im chasing a a/c pressure switch and lhf window regulator.. any chance you have these??
  20. i think its a lil too clean and elegant to call a "bitch", damn that thing was tidy before you started... looks really nice mate
  21. im up for a cruise if you wanna take her for a squirt over the weekend bakes.. mine has been trouble free for a few hours now so i should be right. haha
  22. we packed a picnic... a few of you may have seen me cruising around with a massive pic-a-nic basket... well worth it. had plenty of water, snacks and some yummy bbq chicken and fresh rolls.. all for less than one of yo o/p kebabs.
  23. maybe i should have put a comma in there... "heck EC has good views, and a good grandstand" at EC we sit on the hill on the first corner and we could see most of the track, right down the main straight, up to and around the 2nd corner and up to and around the last corner... we also were up on top of the pits and again, we could see most of the track. at oran park, we sat on the last corner, and could see the cars coming over the flip flop, around the last corner and up the straight... but not much else..
  24. i no longer give the v8's the time of day.. since they are all basically the same due to regulations and controlled components.. the race is down to the driver.. its a club level event with faster cars.. superlap is all types of cars, from all types of camps, with all types of budgets.. trying to out-do each other. joe blo can rock up with a home made evo and put it against the hi octane boys.. which appeals to evo boys, wrx boys, beamers, skylines, silvias, the works... like the old group a racing. the v8 supercars are the same old thing.. no new cars, no new developments, nothing interesting. superlap needs to get to an attractive track.. like albert park, or the adelaide street circuit. where the are good and current facilities, heck even eastern creek has good views and grandstands. and yes this event requires a time board... even if it just shows the time as the car goes over the line, like at wsid. all in good time.. its only the second event.
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